1.3 STEM Robotics and Sustainability : 

What Does this Have to Do With Robotics?

What does any of this have to do with robotics?

 A lot of what has gotten us into unsustainable habits has to do with technology. But, we’re smart. Technology got us into this, Technology can get us out. We do, however, need to use technology mindfully in order for it to be beneficial. For instance, 3d printing is NOT a sustainable solution for manufacturing and it is NOT a sustainable hobby, though the industry is happy to sell cheap 3d printers to hobbyists. Much of the plastic from 3d printing hobbyists is just fodder for the landfill or will end up in the ocean. HOWEVER, 3d printing is an EXCELLENT sustainable solution for prototyping. 

(What is prototyping?)

Prototyping is an extremely important step in the engineering process when engineers are designing new products - including robots. A prototype is a first-time, working build of their idea. The prototype is built and then the engineers try it out and see if it works. They find problems and weaknesses in it, and then, it’s back to the design stage. They re-design their model and then they change things on the prototype. Sometimes they need to completely rebuild the prototype. Three D printing can greatly improve the speed and efficiency in which prototyping can happen.

So, we have to think about how we are using technology and what we are using it for. Time permitting, we will  learn about and do 3d printing in this class, but it is my hope that that knowledge will be used in the future for positive change and not just generate plastics that end up in the oceans and landfills.

Industries and companies have been trying to find ways to utilize robots to improve their processes, allowing businesses to be more efficient and profitable. Along with these benefits, it is becoming more and more evident that robotics helps improve sustainability efforts. Robots in today’s world are helping to fight climate change, improve recycling and make manufacturing more sustainable.

Follow this link to see some examples of robots that are revolutionizing sustainability.

Students will work in their groups from the previous lesson to learn about some robots that are being used to solve the sustainability problems they learned about. 

STEP 1.  Join your group.

STEP 2. Number off 1-4