Spike Prime Programming Resources


Reset your motor rotations sensors to zero:

With your programming canvas open, find the icon in the bottomleft corner that looks like the outline of two programming blocks.

Click on that icon.

Go to the blue box that says "More Motors" and click on the circle in the upper, right corner so that it has a check mark.

You should now have a new button in your choices for block types on the far left of your programming canvas called "More Motors".  

Click on that.

In "More Motors", you will have available a block  that will allow you to tell the motor to rotate to "relative position 0". This will cause the robot to set the motor at the zero degree position. You will be able to see that reading in the port view icon on your programming palette.

This simple stack will cause both motors, assuming you have set your drive motors to C and D, to the zero position.

If you create the stack with an event block triggered by the push of a button, you will have an easy reset stack available to use at any time.