Spike Prime Online App

Click on this button below to get to the online Spike Prime App

Some things I have found about the online app:

SAVING PROGRAMS: If you want to use the online app to save programs to your computer, you MUST name the program in the app FIRST.  Then, it will give the saved file that name when  it saves it to the computer.  If you only name the file in the computer's "Save As" window after clicking the "save" icon, it will not give it that name in the app and you will have a hard time finding your programs.

   PORT VIEW: After searching all over online, I finally called Lego tech help regarding "port view". I asked them to tell me how to zero out the values in the Port view or "hub view". After over 40 minutes on the phone, they couldn't tell me and have passed my question along to someone else, so we will see if we get an answer.  In the meantime, you will need to measure distances. This may not be much of a problem since the motor blocks have the option to use "cm" as a distance (which the EV3's did not).

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