What? No Toilet?

Wednesday, April 6

Before beginning today, let's review some ideas from yesterday:

Today, we will watch two segments of the video linked here, but first, discuss these questions to get started:

How We Got to Now - CLEAN - Full episode  

This is the link for the full episode. See below to see where to stop at each segment.

Part 1: Watch up to time marker 5:50

Question: Before sewer networks were constructed, where did the waste often end up?

We have massive waste management systems that have solved this problem for us. These systems were designed by engineers. We didn’t always have them. 

Watch the next segment of the video that describes how filthy cities used to be and how these waste management systems came into being. You may find that the process was pretty amazing and pretty surprising. Think about what it must have been like to be facing the problems that the engineers at the time were facing. 

Part 2:  Watch the next segment to the time mark 09:55

After viewing, discuss the two video segments with your partner. 

Check Google Classroom for a "Question" assignment for this lesson. "What? No Toilet?"