Seminars & Conferences (S&C)

Seminars & Conferences is the Key Area of ELSA that aims to provide law students and young lawyers with a learning experience, interaction with professionals, and new social and cultural environments by means of passive learning, preparing them for future responsibilities as members of society.

Even though the name of the area might lead you to believe that only these two types of events are organised, there are several projects that form part of this area. As one of the project managers of ELSA, the Vice President in charge of Seminars and Conferences is responsible for organising and coordinating ELSA Law Schools, ELSA Delegations, International Conferences of ELSA, ELSA Webinars, and ELSA Webinars Academy. However, the duties are not limited by these projects, and they are behind the organisation of any kind of an event where participants acquire knowledge by means of passive learning through a lecture, a panel discussion, a seminar, a conference, a Study Visit, and an Institutional Visit.