Client Interviewing Competition (CIC)

Client Interviewing Competition (CIC) is the simulation of the first consultation with a fictional client. The main focus here lies on social interactions, while evaluation of legal skills is rather secondary, which is a good opportunity to approach first-year law students.

How does a CIC look like?

Cases for the CIC are not long, however, the client’s preparation needs to be done thoroughly, since the client sets the requirements for the teams and the academic level of the competition. 

Teams should consist of two students, and the panel of judges shall consist of at least three judges. 

The Client

The role of the client is often underestimated in this competition. The client sets the requirements for the teams and the academic level of the competition. An intensive preparation of the client is essential - chose your fictional client carefully. 

Former AA officers or participants, who are very familiar with the competition, are well suited for this role. Actors with legal knowledge might be even better suited for the role. If you are lucky enough to know a law student with a talent for acting, you should ask that person. The client receives extensive information, which they should know by heart. 

For more information you can consult the CIC section of the Academic Competitions Handbook