Human Resources

Human Resources equals people. No business or organisation can survive without motivated and dedicated people. In ELSA, we can generally divide people involved into two categories:

Human Resource Management (HRM) then refers to how the Association deals with these two categories. So generally, when concerned with ELSA Officers, HRM deals with officer attraction, how to select the right person for the right position, how to train them, how to engage them in their position, how to help them develop their skills, and how to create a fun and enjoyable work environment. When concerned with the second category of people in ELSA - our members - HRM provides guidance on similar matters for example how to gain members, how to provide them with the opportunities they are interested in, how to keep them involved in the Association, and how to create a fun and sociable environment to develop skills and make friends.

Another part of Human Resources in ELSA is a project focused on helping individuals develop their soft skills and improve their knowledge of the Association - ELSA Training. 

Finally, Alumni Networks play a vital role in keeping the Association going and continuing to provide individuals with opportunities to develop skills and network with people that have two things in common - they are professionals in a variety of fields and they were once part of ELSA. The community feeling we foster in ELSA is special and the contacts we make can prove very useful. 

These aspects form important parts of the Secretary General's work and must be a priority at all times.