Other Academic Competitions

Witness Interviewing Competition (WIC)

The Witness Interviewing Competition (WIC) is an academic competition that simulates a witness interview in a criminal procedure. The principal purpose of a witness interview is to determine if an individual made applicable observations of the event and has useful information to provide. 

Teams consisting of two participants act the part of lawyers interviewing a witness with the purpose of taking a witness statement. A witness statement is a written legal document that contains a witness’ recount of events. The main assignment of the teams is to question a witness on all matters relevant to the particular case. 

Mediation Competition

A Mediation Competition is an opportunity for students to learn and practice mediation and negotiation skills through the simulation of a mediation problem drafted by experienced mediators and practitioners. Competition is not so popular in the ELSA Network, however, as mediation becomes more and more popular in the legal world, this competition can be a perfect solution for your Local/National Group that can attract corporate partners. 

For more information about other Academic Competitions, consult the Academic Competitions Handbook or contact us via director.academiccompetitions@elsa.org.