
In order to aid your work as a STEP Officer, please find below a list of Acronyms related to the area and project and their definitions.

DB - Decision Book

EF - Evaluation Form

EI - ELSA International 

IB - International Board 

IFP - International Focus Programme 

JH - Job Hunting 

ISM - International Strategy Meeting 

ITM - International Training Meeting 

LB - Local Board 

LG - Local Group 

NB - National Board 

NG - National Group 

SAF - Student Application Form 

SH - Student Hunting 

SOS - STEP Online System 

STEP - Student Trainee Exchange Programme 

TA - Traineeship Agreement 

Pre-TEF - Pre-Traineeship Evaluation Form 

Post-TEF - Post-Traineeship Evaluation Form 

TN - Traineeship 

TNP - Traineeship Provider 

TPI - Traineeship Provider's Interface 

TSF - Traineeship Specification Form 

VP - Vice President