
Week F – Early Stage 1

Good morning!

To complete today's activities, you will need:

a workbook



a medium-sized ball that bounces (e.g. basketball)

zip lock bag

dried beans (soaked overnight)

paper towel

sticky tape

Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends

You will need:   

What I miss most

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening activity
Icon: writing activity

Let's get started!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

What I miss most
Duration: 1:19


You will need:   

your workbook

Vocabulary – predicting

watch video
writing activity

Can you guess what word will be used? 

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Predict the language

Duration: 4:14

Is this too hard?

Is this too easy?

Reading and writing together

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening activity
Icon: writing activity

Let's do some reading and writing!

Watch this video and then listen to the story below.

Once you have listened to the story below:

The middle of Bluey: The Creek

Duration: 2:44

Listen to 'Bluey: The Creek'. ​

Bluey: The Creek. ​

Duration: 5:54

share your work

Share your work with your teacher.

Brain break 

Let's recharge!

watch video
hands-on activity

It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

Be careful – some of these poses are a bit tricky! The main thing is to have fun and stretch out your body.

Brain break
Duration: 1:25


Phonemes and graphemes: h, b, f, ff

watch video
speaking activity

Let's practise some phonemes and graphemes.

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Explicit phonics instruction
Duration: 14:22

Education Live 

Storytelling through movement

Icon: watch video

Join us for today's episode of Education Live!

Today we are joined by Playschool's Rachael Coopes! 

Let's learn about storytelling through movement. Watch the video and join in!

You will need:

Education Live – Storytelling through movement
Duration: 15:34


You will need:   

your workbook


Icon: watch video

Let's practise counting!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

Subitising (more, less, or the same)

Duration: 6:08

The number 9

Icon: watch video

Let's explore the number 9!

Watch the video.

Numberblocks Nine

Duration: 5:00

Check-in survey – Mathematics


Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.


You will need:   

a medium sized ball that bounces

Bouncing and dribbling

watch video
hands-on activity

Are you ready to move?

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

Bouncing and dribbling part 2

Duration: 29:10

Check-in survey – GetActive@Home


Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.

Science and Technology

You will need:   

your workbook
zip lock bag
dried beans (soaked overnight)
paper towel
sticky tape

Growing beans – part 1

watch video
hands-on activity
writing activity

Let's learn about what living things need to survive by growing some beans!

Watch the video.

You will need:

Growing beans part 1

Duration: 5:01

Follow the steps below with a parent or carer.

For those who like a challenge!

Icon: hands-on activity

Improve your investigation by repeating the steps to make 5 bean growing bags. 

Growing beans – part 2

watch video
hands-on activity
speaking activity
writing activity

Now it's time to record your observations.

Watch the video.

You will need:

Growing beans part 2

Duration: 3:23


Talk to your parent or carer about what you think might happen with the bean seeds. 

Record your prediction.


Over the next 5 days, record what is happening to your bean. You can draw your observations, take pictures or record your voice with a device.


What do you think your bean needed to grow? 

Talk to your parent or carer and then record your ideas.

For those who like a challenge!

Icon: hands-on activity

Improve your investigation by making 5 bean bags. 

What changes happened after 5 days? 

Did all of the beans change in the same way? 

Student voice

Icon: sharing

Show how you feel about your learning today.