
Week D – Stage 1

Happy Friday!

To complete today's activities, you will need:

a workbook


bucket, basket or container



ball, soft toy or pair of socks

paper and cardboard

sticky tape



A tin can

Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends

Mindful posing

Let's get started!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Mindful posing
Duration: 1:11


You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils

Sharing knowledge

Let's practise our speaking skills!

Listen to the instructions.

  • Think of a topic you know a lot about. For example dogs, swimming, planets, a TV show, or a game.

  • At your next catch up with your teacher, share what you know about this topic. Remember to use a clear voice and speak in a full sentence when you are sharing your knowledge.

What do you know a lot about?
Duration: 3:06

Week D-English-ES1 and Stage 1-Topic talks.m4a

Reading together

It's storytime!

Listen to the story 'Let's Go, Little Roo'.

Let's Go, Little Roo
Duration: 5:05

Let's do an activity!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • At the end of the story, Little Roo didn’t want to go home, he wanted to stay at the park. What do you think Little Roo and Wallaby wanted to do in the park?

  • In your workbook, draw what you think Little Roo and Wallaby would do in the park together.

Little Roo and Wallaby at the park
Duration: 1:13

Is this too hard?

  • Draw a picture of Roo and Wallaby at the park. You can pause the video and look at the pictures of the park in the story to help you.

Is this too easy?

  • Write a paragraph about what Roo and Wallaby would do in the park together.

Fun with syllables

Let's learn about syllables!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Find 5 things in your house. This could be a basket, jumper or a spoon.

  • Jump/hop/drum/clap out the syllables of these 5 objects just like they did in the video.

Check-in survey – English

Icon: sharing

Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.

Brain break

You will need:

Let's recharge!

It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Brain break
Duration: 1:24

Sight words

You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils

Focus words: friend

It's time to practise our sight words? Get your workbook and your pencil ready!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Sight words
Duration: 5:22

Education Live

Yoga lesson

Icon: watch video

Join us for today's episode of Education Live!

Today we are joined by Shannon Herps and Eliza who will lead us in a fun yoga lesson. Watch the video and join in!

You will need:

  • space to move.

Education Live – yoga lesson
Duration: 24:29


You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils

How many paperclips?

This week we have been exploring numbers! Let's explore some more!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • pencils

  • your workbook.

About how many paper clips 1
Duration: 4:19

  • Draw your estimation of how many small paper clips it will take to measure the length of the paper.

About how many paperclips? – part 2

Watch video
Listening activity
Talking activity

Let's explore part 2 of this activity!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • your drawing from the previous activity

  • pencils

  • your workbook.

About how many paper clips – part 2
Duration: 3:09

Writing activity
  • What did you notice?

Share your work with your teacher.

Basketball toss

Let's play 'Basketball toss'. You might remember playing it a couple of weeks ago!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • socks

  • bucket, basket or container

  • pegs.

How to play basketball toss
Duration: 1:03

Watch the video.

Setting up for basketball toss
Duration: 0:19

Here is an example of how you might keep track of how many socks land in the bucket or basket.

Paper with a line down the middle. First column labelled 'left', second column labelled 'right'. 3 pegs clipped onto edge of paper under 'left', 6 pegs clipped onto edge of paper under 'right'.

Once you have finished:

  • Draw a picture of your chart in your workbook.

  • Write down how many times your socks landed in the bucket or basket.

For those who like a challenge!

Other people in your family might have been playing basketball toss today too. If they are taller than you, they might have had their baskets in a different spot.

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • Using some blocks or spoons, work out how far you had to throw your socks and then work out how far someone else had to throw theirs.

  • Draw a picture to show your measuring.

  • Create a new game that your family and friends could play at home.

Basketball toss challenge
Duration: 0:24

The pictures might help you to set up your basketball toss.

2 shoebox 'baskets'. Box labelled 'my basket' is closer. Box labelled 'Erica's basket' is further away. Spoons in a line between the 2 baskets to measure the how far apart they are. Caption says "I'm measuring the distance in spoons. I think Erica's basket is 3 and a half spoons away from my basket."

Land of giants

Let's watch another episode of Numberblocks!


You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils
A tin can

Paper table challenge

Today's STEM challenge is to design and build a paper table to support the weight of a tin can.

Watch the video and join in the activity.


  • The table needs to be at least 20cm tall.

  • The table needs to be strong enough to hold a tin can, such as tinned tomatoes or baked beans.

Paper table challenge
Duration: 2:32

You will need:

  • paper

  • piece of cardboard about the size of your workbook or side of a cereal box

  • can of tomatoes (or other canned food)

  • sticky tape

  • ruler

  • scissors.

Materials needed

Materials allowed for the challenge. Ruler, tin can of food, scissors, tape, paper and cardboard.

Download the instructions for this task

Hint: triangles are strong shapes!

Paper table showing triangle shape

Example table design

For those who like a challenge!

  • Can you make the table taller?

  • How much weight can your table hold? Keep adding weights until it collapses!

Student voice

Show how you feel about your learning today.