
Week A – Stage 3

Good morning!

To complete today's activities, you will need:

a workbook


a book of your choice

0-9 spinner

(PDF file, 139 KB)

one paper clip

grid paper


5 pairs of socks


4 pairs of shoes

Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends

You will need:

Helping others

Icon: listening activity
Icon: writing activity
Icon: hands-on activity

Let's get started!

Today you can plan to help someone in your house. You could help make lunch or make your bed.

Write down:

  • what you plan to do and how that will help someone in your family

  • how you think you will feel.

Helping others
Duration: 0:21


"Cleaning" by Ryan Harvey is licensed with CC BY-SA 2.0


You will need:


Icon: hands-on activity

Read a fiction book of your choice.

Read an imaginative text (fiction book) of your choice.

You may choose to read some or all of your book.

Character traits

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Let's get started!

Watch this video about character traits.

Character traits
Duration: 2:55

After watching the clip:

  • Select a trait from the ‘Character trait bank’ and act out what that trait might look like.

  • Use a sentence to explain this trait.

Character trait bank

(PDF file, 44KB)

Describing a character

Icon: writing activity

Let's write some descriptive sentences.

Watch the video to learn about the next activity.

Learning more about character
Duration: 0:27

Look at the image of the 'moustache man' character.

Write a character description that includes:

  • adjectives

  • adverbs

  • figurative language.

Don't forget to proof-read your work! Can you choose more descriptive language to improve your writing?

'Moustache man'

Man with blue eyes, a long pointy nose and pointy ears. He has pale skin and dark brown hair. His hair is long and he also has a long curly moustache.

Brain break

Let's recharge!

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Brain break
Duration: 0:52

Education Live

Incredible dinosaur puppets

Icon: watch video

Join us for today's episode of Education Live!

Today we are joined by the puppets and the puppeteers from Erth Visual & Physical Inc!

Education Live – incredible dinosaur puppets
Duration: 11:44


You will need:

Maths warm up

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Let's start with a maths warm up!

Watch the video to discover some real world arrays.

Arrays in the real world
Duration: 1:38

Scroll through the photos to see some more examples of arrays in every day objects.

  • Can you find or think of 5 more arrays in the real world?

  • Why do you think so many things are organised in arrays?

Scroll through the gallery of photos.

Arrays in the real world

Playing with multiplication

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Let's play a multiplication game!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • 1cm square grid paper

  • different coloured pencils or markers

  • 0-9 spinner
    (PDF file, 139 KB)

  • paper clip for spinner.

Multiplication toss
Duration: 5:32

Icon: hands-on activity


  • Players take turns to spin the spinners.

  • If a 3 and 6 are spun, players can enclose either a block out of 3 rows of 6 (3 sixes) or 6 rows of 3 (6 threes).

  • The game continues with no overlapping areas.

  • The winner is the player with the largest area blocked out after 10 spins.

  • Eventually the space on the grid paper gets really small.

  • Then, you have to think:

    • What if my 3 sixes won’t fit as 3 sixes or as 6 threes?

    • Players can partition to help them! So, for example, I can rename 3 sixes as 2 sixes and 1 six (if that helps me fit the block into my game board).

Example of how you could represent 3 x 6

3 sixes: 3 rows of 6 coloured in, or 6 threes: 6 rows of 3 coloured in.

Example of a nearly-full board

Example of a board coloured in with a variety of arrays.

For those who like a challenge!

Watch the video to discover a strategy that will help when your board starts to get full.

Multiplication toss – follow up 1
Duration: 2:15

Feeling skeptical about Michelle's thinking?

Watch this video to see how she proves 6 threes = 3 threes + 3 threes = 18. It's a strategy you can then use to prove your thinking too!

Multiplication toss – follow up 2
Duration: 5:32

Check-in survey – Mathematics

Icon: sharing

Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.


You will need:



Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • 5 pairs of socks (or small, soft objects)

  • 4 shoes.

Duration: 23:00

Science and Technology

You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils

Investigating food

Icon: watch video

Let's investigate a few different foods.

Watch the video to learn about the first activity.

Investigating food
Duration: 1:21

Watch the video 'A year on a farm'.

A year on a farm
Duration: 3:55

The main idea

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Let's think about the 'main idea' of the above videos.

After watching the video:

  • What is the main idea of this video?

  • Write some key words in your workbook.

  • Write down 4 ideas that support the main idea.

Example of how you could set out your work

A centre circle with 'Main idea' written in the middle. Off it are several other circles. They say, 'key words', 'detail', 'detail', 'detail' and 'detail'.

For those who like a challenge!

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Can you design a health dessert?

Your challenge: design a healthy dessert.

  • The key ingredients for the dessert must be apples and a plant-based food item, such as flour.

  • Design the dessert to suit the personal tastes and allergies of family members.

  • You may like to try making the dessert with the help of an adult family member!

Designing a healthy dessert
Duration: 1:53

Check-in survey – Science and Technology

Icon: sharing

Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.

Student voice

How do you feel about today's learning?