
Week C – Stage 3

Welcome to Wednesday!

To complete today's activities, you will need:


a workbook



Sticky notes

sticky notes


0-9 cards, dice or spinner


bucket or basket


soft objects that are safe to throw (e.g. socks or soft toys)

Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends

Taking your worry for a walk

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Let's get started!

Listen to the clip and join in the activity.

Taking your worry for a walk
Duration: 1:59



You will need:



Icon: listening activity

This week we are learning about narratives. Let's learn some more!

Listen to the instructions.

Mr Fox - Setting
Duration: 1:56

Activity: speaking activity

Now it's your turn!

Mr Fox 

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening activity

It's storytime!

Read or listen to 'The Most Boring Street in the World'.

'The Most Boring Street in the World'
Duration: 8:47

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Let's do an activity!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

After watching the video:

Write a letter
Duration: 2:47

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Let's work on our dinosaur narrative!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

After watching the video:

Dinosaur party story - orientation
Duration: 3:39

Share your work with your teacher.

Brain break 

Let's recharge!

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Brain break
Duration: 1:13

Education Live 

Animals of the week

Icon: watch video

Today we meet a pygmy marmoset and a yellow-bellied glider as we go behind the scenes of Taronga Zoo in Sydney!

Education Live –  pygmy marmoset
Duration: 4:20

Education Live – yellow-bellied glider
Duration: 6:18


You will need:


Exploring numbers

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Let's practice our number skills!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

Which one doesn't belong?
Duration: 5:26

Activity: speaking activity
Icon: writing activity

After watching the video:

A diagram divided into four equal squares. Each contains a shape made up of four triangles arranged in different patterns..
Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Let's explore some more!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

Order! Order! 2
Duration: 6:20

Icon: writing activity

After watching the video:

Four sticky notes each with a number written on it. The numbers are 6475, 7512, 7019, 9941.

For those who like a challenge!

Activity: speaking activity
Icon: writing activity


You will need:



Icon: watch video
Activity: speaking activity

The past couple of weeks we have been learning about healthy foods. Today, let's learn about water!

Watch the video and answer these questions while you are listening:

You can use the poster below to help you.

Why is water important?
Duration: 9:04

Icon: writing activity

Now it's your turn!


Work sample

An image of a work sample. The page is divided into three columns with a heading at the top of each column.

Australian Guide to Healthy Eating

A Pie chart titled - Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.
Icon: sharing work

Share your work with your teacher. 

PE Challenge

You will need:


Obstacle golf - Intro

Icon: watch video

Let's practise our throwing skills!

Watch the video.

Throwing challenge
Duration: 9:24

Icon: hands-on activity

It's your turn!

You will need:

Examples of items to throw.

An image of three soft objects. A soft toy, a folded pair of underwear and a slipper.

Examples of items to use as a target.

A plastic container and a washing basket
Icon: hands-on activity

To set up your space:

Before having a go, record your predictions in your workbook:

Icon: hands-on activity

To play: 

Icon: writing activity

In your workbook:

For those who like a challenge!

Icon: hands-on activity

Complete the challenge 3 times for each throwing style:

Check-in survey – PDHPE

Icon: sharing

Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.

Environmental Education

You will need:


Frogs: Lifecycles

Thank you to the staff at Gibberagong Environmental Education Centre for creating and sharing these activities.

Icon: watch video

Let's explore how to identify frogs and explain the differences between them!

Watch the video.

All about frogs
Duration: 1:31

Watch the video.

Using a key to identify animals
Duration: 1:53

Icon: writing activity

After watching the video:


A key for classifying amphibians. It has a series of yes or no questions to help to identify the 6 unknown frogs.

Adapted from Australian Museum Frog ID site 

Adapted from Australian Museum Frog ID site 

Student voice

Icon: sharing

Show how you feel about your learning today.