
Week A – Stage 3

Hi there!

To complete today's activities, you will need:

a workbook


one leaf

Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends

You will need:

Icon: leaf

Looking at leaves

Icon: hands-on activity

Let's get started!

For today's activity, let's look closely at a plant.

  • Find a plant in your house or garden, or use the photo here if you don't have a plant.

  • Look closely at the leaves of the plant and draw one leaf in your workbook.

  • What does the leaf look like? Is it thin or wide?

  • What sort of plant is it from?

  • What else do you notice about the leaf?

Looking at leaves
Duration: 1:27

Three fresh Eucalyptus leaves. They are thin, green and curve slightly.

Geekstreet, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons


You will need:


Icon: watch video
Activity: hands-on activity

We're going to start English with some reading.

Read a text of your choice.

Watch the video to learn about the next activity.

  • Describe how your character looks and acts. Try to use descriptive and figurative language.

  • What is your opinion of this character? Why do you like or dislike the character?

  • What are their main character traits?

Reading a text of your choice
Duration: 0:30

Figurative language

Icon: writing activity

Let's think about the main character in your book.

What this video to learn more about figurative language.

Read over your draft paragraph and improve it by adding in more figurative language.

Figurative Language

Duration: 2:18

Use a 'Character traits table' like the one in the picture to match each trait with the evidence from the book.

Character traits table example

Table. First column labelled 'character trait'. Second column labelled 'evidence in text'.

Brain break

Let's recharge!

Activity: watch video
Activity: hands-on activity

It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Brain break
Duration: 1:14

Education Live

Creepy crawlies

Icon: watch video

Join us for today's episode of Education Live!

Today we are joined by Dr Tanya Latty to learn more about the incredible world of insects!

Note: Never touch an insect that is unfamiliar or that you know is unsafe!

Education Live – Creepy crawlies with Dr Tanya Latty
Duration: 13:59


You will need:

Number warm up

Icon: watch video
Icon: speaking activity

Let's start with a number warm up!

Watch the video about decimals.

  • What are 3 facts about decimals?

  • How are fractions and decimals linked?

Decimal notation

Number talk

Icon: watch video
Activity: hands-on activity

Let's do a number talk!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • a pencil

  • your workbook.

Let's talk – part 1
Duration: 14:15

How would you solve...?

Icon: writing activity

After watching, complete the following activities in your workbook.

  • What are 5 ways you can solve the problem? Remember you can use the blue (Strongman), green (Robot) or purple (Flamingo) strategies, but you also need to think of 2 more.

  • How could you use the strategies shared by the blue team‘s thinking (Strongman), green team‘s thinking (Robot) and purple team’s thinking (Flamingo) to solve your problem (2.3 - 1.9)?

  • Record your thinking in your workbook.

  • How can you use what you know about solving 23-19 to help you solve 2.3-1.9?

For those who want a challenge

Watch this video if you are ready for a challenge.

Let's talk part 2
Duration: 6:08


You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils

How environments change through time

Icon: watch video

We are going to view and compare 2 images from the book 'Window' by Jeannie Baker. Both images are looking out the same window, many years apart. 

Lady looking of window with baby. Outside the window: lots of trees, plants, hills and a shed.

Baker J (2002) Window, Walker Books, Australia

Other houses, backyard with cars, trucks, roads in the background, buildings, a park and one tree (same as previous image).

Baker J (2002) Window, Walker Books, Australia

Watch the video to learn more about the illustrations in 'Window'.

Looking at illustrations from 'Window' by Jeannie Baker
Duration: 3:50

Reflecting on the impacts of development

Icon: writing activity

Think carefully about the illustrations from the book 'Window' and answer the following questions.

Answer the following questions in your workbook:

  • What are some of the positive and negative impacts of the developments in 'Window'?

  • Who has been impacted by the development? How are they impacted?

  • What is your personal view about the developments in 'Window'? Write a paragraph expressing your point of view. 

For those who like a challenge!

How can you influence local decisions?

  • What could you do if there was a local decision made in your town that you did not agree with? For example, turning a park into a carpark.

  • List 5 ideas for action, such as conducting a survey or creating posters.

Check-in survey – Geography

Icon: sharing

Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.

Student voice

How do you feel about today's learning?