
Week A – Stage 2

Welcome to Wednesday!

To complete today's activities, you will need:

a workbook


counters, dried beans or pasta

a fiction book with illustrations

Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends

Deep breathing

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on task

Let's get started!

Today we are going to try a breathing exercise.

  • Breathe in for a count of 4.

  • Hold your breath for a count of 4.

  • Breathe out for a count of 4.

  • Hold your breath for a count of 4.

You can do this to help yourself calm down and focus at any time.

Deep breathing
Duration: 4:12


Brocken Inaglory, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons


You will need:


Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on task

We are going to start our English session with some reading.

Read an imaginative text (fiction book) that has images.

For example, you could read a picture book or a chapter book with illustrations.

Read an imaginative text
Duration: 0:36

Describing and illustrating characters

Icon: writing task

Let's think more about characters in stories.

After you finish reading, answer these questions in your workbook:

  • Who is the main character?

  • How did the author (the person who wrote the book) describe the character? 

  • Did the illustrator (the person who drew the pictures for the book) use certain colours and sizing to illustrate the main character?

Draw a picture of the main character. Label with describing words (adjectives).


Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Let's think about some characteristics.

Watch the video to learn about the next task.

The 'moustache man'
Duration: 0:31

Look at the image of the ‘moustache man’.

If you had to guess...

  • what might he eat?

  • what clothes does he wear?

  • where does he live?

  • who does he live with?

  • what is his job?

'Moustache man'

Man with blue eyes, a long pointy nose and pointy ears. He has pale skin and dark brown hair. His hair is long and he also has a long curly moustache.

Answer the questions in your workbook. Make sure you explain your answer each time. You might like to draw up a table to record your answers.

Example table to record your answers

Brain break

Let's recharge!

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on task

It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Brain break
Duration: 1:13

Education Live

Animals of the week

Icon: watch video

Today we are joined by some meerkats and a binturong from Mogo Wildlife Park. Watch the videos to learn more about these amazing animals!

Education Live – meerkats
Duration: 4:32

Education Live – binturong
Duration: 4:27


You will need:


Number warm up

Icon: watch video
Icon: speaking activity

Let's start with a number warm up!

Watch the video and join in!

Equal groups multiplication song
Duration: 3:08

Two handfuls

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on task
Icon: writing activity

Let's think about different ways we can organise and add numbers! There are 2 parts to this activity so let's start with part 1!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • counters, dried beans or dried pasta

  • a pencil

  • your workbook.

Two handfuls – part 1
Duration: 2:49

Watch the second video to learn a different strategy.

Hint! The instructions are also below in case you need them.

Two handfuls – part 2
Duration: 1:07

Icon: hands-on task

How to play 'Two handfuls'

  • Take 2 handfuls and estimate how many you think you might have.

  • Organise the collection so that someone can see how many there are without having to count everything by ones.

  • Determine how many items you have by ‘looking and thinking’.

Thinking mathematically

Icon: writing activity
  • Draw a picture of your work and use words and symbols to describe your thinking.

  • Is there another way you could arrange your objects?

    • Arrange them in a different way so you can see how many you have by looking and thinking.

    • Draw a picture of your work and use words and symbols to describe your thinking

  • Compare the different ways you can arrange the collections:

    • Write down 3 things that are the same about the way you organised your collections.

    • Write down 3 things that are different.

For those who like a challenge!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Hint! The instructions are also below in case you need them.

Two handfuls – part 3
Duration: 2:07

Icon: hands-on task


  • Take 36 objects.

  • Form them into a rectangular structure so that you have equal rows and columns. We call this an array. Draw and describe your array using words and symbols.

  • Re-organise your pasta pieces so it forms a different rectangle. Draw and describe your array using words and symbols.

  • Keep re-organising your pasta pieces until there are no more arrays you can make. Draw and record all of your arrays.

  • Pick your favourite array and describe it using both multiplication and division. Record your thinking in your notebook.

  • Post the pictures of your arrays and share your thinking on our digital platform.


You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils

Healthy alternatives

Icon: watch video

Let's think about some healthier food alternatives.

Watch the video about the Australian Guide to Health Eating.

Australian Guide to Healthy Eating

Icon: writing activity

After watching, answer these questions:

  • Can you name the 5 food groups?

  • What foods and drinks are not included in the circle?
    These are known as '
    sometimes foods' and 'sometimes drinks' (except for water).

  • Draw and label 5 'sometimes foods'.

  • Think of 5 healthier alternatives for each of those 'sometimes foods'.

A healthy lunchbox

Icon: writing activity

Let's think about the different foods you might pack for a school lunch in comparison to a weekend picnic.

Using the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating poster:

  • design a healthy lunch box you could take to school.

  • label the food and drink you choose.

A weekend picnic

Using the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating poster:

  • Design a picnic basket that that includes some 'sometimes foods' for a weekend picnic.

  • Label the food and drink you choose.

Check-in survey – PDHPE

Icon: sharing

Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.

Virtual excursion

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on task

Get ready – we're going on a virtual excursion!

Minibeasts in your garden

Watch the video to explore the diverse world of minibeasts.

Learn why minibeasts are important and how to:

  • find them in your garden or local park

  • identify common minibeasts

  • conduct your own minibeast investigation!

Minibeasts in your garden
Duration: 32:46

For those who like a challenge!

Are you keen to learn more about minibeasts? You might like to:

  • Draw a minibeast in your workbook and label it.

  • Explore your garden or local park with an adult. Record each type of minibeast you see and how many. Remember to look on the ground, in the trees and in the air.

  • Use the 'Minibeast key' to help you identify the minibeasts in your garden.

Minibeast key

Student voice

How do you feel about today's learning?