
Week A – Stage 2

Good morning!

To complete today's activities, you will need:

a workbook


a book of your choice

0-9 spinner

(PDF file, 139 KB)

one paper clip

grid paper


5 pairs of socks


4 pairs of shoes

Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends

You will need:

Helping others

Icon: listening activity
Icon: writing activity
Icon: hands-on activity

Let's get started!

Today you can plan to help someone in your house. You could help make lunch or make your bed.

Write down:

  • what you plan to do and how that will help someone in your family

  • how you think you will feel.

Helping others
Duration: 0:21


"Cleaning" by Ryan Harvey is licensed with CC BY-SA 2.0


You will need:


Icon: hands-on activity

Read a fiction book of your choice.

Read an imaginative text (fiction book) of your choice.

You may choose to read some or all of your book.

Character traits

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Let's get started!

Watch this video about character traits.

Character traits
Duration: 2:55

After watching the clip:

  • Select a trait from the ‘Character trait bank’ and act out what that trait might look like.

  • Use a sentence to explain this trait.

Character trait bank

(PDF file, 44KB)

Describing a character

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Let's write some descriptive sentences.

Watch the video to learn about the next activity.

Learning more about character
Duration: 0:27

Look at the image of the 'moustache man'.

Write a character description of the ‘moustache man’.

Remember to include:

  • adjectives

  • adverbs

  • a simile.

Make sure you proof-read your work!

'Moustache man'

Man with blue eyes, a long pointy nose and pointy ears. He has pale skin and dark brown hair. His hair is long and he also has a long curly moustache.

Brain break

Let's recharge!

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Brain break
Duration: 0:52

Education Live

Incredible dinosaur puppets

Icon: watch video

Join us for today's episode of Education Live!

Today we are joined by the puppets and the puppeteers from Erth Visual & Physical Inc!

Education Live – incredible dinosaur puppets
Duration: 11:44


You will need:

Maths warm up

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Let's start with a maths warm up!

Watch the video to discover some real world arrays.

Arrays in the real world
Duration: 1:38

Scroll through the photos to see some more examples of arrays in every day objects.

  • Can you find or think of 5 more arrays in the real world?

  • Why do you think so many things are organised in arrays?

Scroll through the gallery of photos.

Arrays in the real world

Playing with multiplication

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Let's learn to play a fun maths game.

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • 1cm square grid paper

  • different coloured pencils or markers

  • 0-9 spinner
    (PDF file, 139 KB)

  • paper clip for spinner.

Hint! The instructions are also below in case you need them.

Multiplication toss
Duration: 5:32

Icon: hands-on activity


  • Players take turns to spin the spinners.

  • If a 3 and 6 are spun, players can enclose either a block out of 3 rows of 6 (3 sixes) or 6 rows of 3 (6 threes).

  • The game continues with no overlapping areas.

  • The winner is the player with the largest area blocked out after 10 spins.

  • Eventually the space on the grid paper gets really small.

  • Then, you have to think:

    • What if my 3 sixes won’t fit as 3 sixes or as 6 threes?

    • Players can partition to help them! So, for example, I can rename 3 sixes as 2 sixes and 1 six (if that helps me fit the block into my game board).

Example of how you could represent 3 x 6

3 sixes: 3 rows of 6 coloured in, or 6 threes: 6 rows of 3 coloured in.

Example of a nearly-full board:

Example of a board coloured in with a variety of arrays.

For those who like a challenge!

Watch the video to discover a strategy that will help when your board starts to get full.

Multiplication toss – follow up 1
Duration: 2:15

Feeling skeptical about Michelle's thinking?

Watch this video to see how she proves 6 threes = 3 threes + 3 threes = 18. It's a strategy you can then use to prove your thinking too!

Multiplication toss – follow up 2
Duration: 5:32

Check-in survey – Mathematics

Icon: sharing

Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.


You will need:



Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • 5 pairs of socks (or small, soft objects)

  • 4 shoes.

Duration: 23:00

Science and Technology

You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils

Making bread

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

We are going to learn how bread is made.

Most people eat bread, wraps or bread rolls. Some families make their own bread, most buy their bread.

Watch the video to learn about today's activity.

Making and eating bread
Duration: 0:47

Watch the video then answer the questions in your workbook.

  • What are the ingredients used to make bread dough?

  • What ingredient helped the bread dough to swell (rise)?

Making bread in a factory
Duration: 2:44

The importance of instructions

Icon: watch video

Let's think about the importance of giving clear instructions.

Watch the video to learn about your next task.

Importance of instructions
Duration: 1:47

Watch the video to see the 'Exact instructions challenge'.

Exact instructions challenge
Duration: 6:45

Giving clear instructions

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Now it's your turn!

What the video to learn about your challenge.

You will create a list of instructions to make a sandwich. Include:

  • a title (e.g., "Cheese sandwich")

  • a list of ingredients

  • the equipment you will need. 

Challenge tasks instructions
Duration: 1:00

Watch the video.

  • Ask a family member to follow the instructions and make the sandwich. 

  • Did the instructions work? If not, how could you make the instructions clearer?

Following instructions
Duration: 1:21

Check-in survey – Science and Technology

Icon: sharing

Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.

Student voice

How do you feel about today's learning?