
Week A – Early Stage 1

Good morning!

To complete today's activities, you will need:

a workbook


Lego figurines, toy cars or animal figurines


5 pairs of socks


4 pairs of shoes

Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends

You will need:

Helping others

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening activity
Icon: writing activity

Let's get started!

Today you can plan to help someone in your house. You could help make lunch or make your bed.

Write down:

  • what you plan to do and how that will help someone in your family

  • how you think you will feel.

Helping others
Duration: 0:21


"Cleaning" by Ryan Harvey is licensed with CC BY-SA 2.0


You will need:

Reading together

Icon: watch video
Icon: listening activity

It's storytime!

Listen to the story 'There's a Sea in my Bedroom' by Margaret Wild.

'There's a Sea in my Bedroom' by Margaret Wild
Duration: 8:14

Writing together

Icon: watch video
Icon: writing activity

Let's write some sentences together!

Let's write some sentences about David. Watch the clip to get started.

Let's write some sentences!
Duration: 1:29

After watching:

Write a sentence about David from the book. 

  • What kind of person is he?

  • What does he like to do?

  • What words could you use to describe David?

What part of the book did you like?

  • Draw a picture of your favourite part of the book.

  • Write a sentence about your favourite part.

Is this too hard?

  • Write two sentences about David from the book.

  • Draw your favourite part of the book.

Is this too easy?

  • David imagined the sea in his bedroom. If you could imagine a world in your bedroom, what would it look like? 

  • Draw a picture of your bedroom as a new world. Write a few sentences about your new imaginary world in your bedroom.

Brain break

Let's recharge!

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Brain break
Duration: 0:52


Phonemes and graphemes: g, o, c, k

Icon: watch video
Icon: talking activity

Let's practise some phonemes and graphemes.

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • How many sounds do you know?

Duration: 11:57

Education Live

Incredible dinosaur puppets

Icon: watch video

Join us for today's episode of Education Live!

Today we are joined by the puppets and the puppeteers from Erth Visual & Physical Inc!

Education Live – incredible dinosaur puppets
Duration: 11:44


You will need:

Small toys (cars, Lego).

Number warm up

Icon: watch video
Icon: talking activity

Let's start with a counting warm up!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

Counting by twos
Duration: 1:57

Watch the video and join in the activity.

  • How many do you see?

How many do you see?
Duration: 2:54

Playing with multiplication

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Let's learn more about numbers!

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • a collection of items, like LEGO mini figs, toy cars or toy animals.

  • your workbook.

Playing with multiplication
Duration: 0:20

ES1 Week A Thursday Mathematics.mp4

Watch the clip to learn how to play.

Handfuls – part 2
Duration: 10:57

Check-in survey – Mathematics

Icon: sharing

Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.


You will need:



Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity

Are you ready to move?

Watch the video and join in the activity.

You will need:

  • 5 pairs of socks (or small, soft objects)

  • 4 shoes.

Duration: 24:03

Science and Technology

You will need:

Icon: workbook
Icon: pencils

The living world – food

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity
Icon: writing activity

Let's learn how all food comes from a plant or an animal.

  • Look inside your fridge or freezer.

  • Draw and label 5 food items that come from a plant.

  • Draw and label 5 food items that come from an animal.

Foods at home

Duration: 2:02

The living world – clothes and furniture

Icon: watch video
Icon: hands-on activity
Icon: writing activity

Some of our clothes and furniture in the house also come from plants or animals!

  • Walk around the house and draw 5 items of clothing or furniture.

  • Talk to an older family member and discuss which items come from plants or animals.

Clothes and furniture
Duration: 0:27

Check-in survey – Science and Technology

Icon: sharing

Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.

Student voice

How do you feel about today's learning?