Week E – Stage 2
Welcome to Wednesday!
To complete today's activities, you will need:
a workbook
dice or a set of playing cards
a soft object for throwing (e.g. soft ball or socks)
a target to throw at (e.g. a bucket, string in a circle)
Care and Connect – caring for yourself, your family and your friends
Rainbow hunt
Let's get started!
Watch the video and join in the activity.
Rainbow hunt
Duration: 1:15
You will need:
Speaking and vocabulary – Sandcastle
Let's have a go at using describing words. We call these adjectives.
Watch the video.
Describe the sandcastle
Duration: 2:18
Look at the picture of the sandcastle.
Describe the sandcastle. Think about what you can see:
the colours
the shapes
the size.
Would the sandcastle be fragile or strong?
Try to use adjectives and similes when describing the sandcastle.
Is this too hard?
Describe how big you think the sandcastle is.
Describe something in your house that you can see and touch.
Is this too easy?
Describe the sandcastle to someone and see if they can draw it based on your description.
Reading – Creating similes
Let's create our own similes!
Watch the video and join in the activities. You can do the activities in your workbook if you don't have the activity sheets.
Creating similes activity sheets.
(DOCX, 395 KB)
You will need:
your workbook
a pencil.
Predict these endings:
as fast as ...
as smooth as ...
as light as ...
Finish these sentences:
The wolf's breathe was as warm as...
The water was as icy as ...
The radio was as ...
She moved like ...
The train stopped like ...
Creating similes
Duration: 12:35
Writing – First time simile event
Let's explore similes some more!
Watch the video and join in the activity.
Think about the first time you did something. For example snowboarding, playing a game of netball, presenting a speech, baking a cake.
Identify how you felt before, during and after the event.
Write 3 similes to compare the feeling. For example, I was as excited as a dog eating a large bone.
First time simile event
Duration: 5:40
Is this too hard?
List the emotions you felt before, during and after.
Is this too easy?
Think of an event you have not experienced. Complete the activity predicting what your feelings might be.
Share your work with your teacher.
Brain break
Let's recharge!
It’s time for a brain break so we can recharge for some more learning!
Watch the video and join in the activity.
Brain break
Duration: 1:07
Education Live
Animals of the week
Today we will meet a red panda at Symbio Wildlife Park, then some camels at Oakvale Wildlife Park!
You will need:
Same and different
Let's explore numbers!
Watch the video and join in the activity.
You will need:
a pencil
your workbook.
What’s the same in these visual representations of the numbers 1-20?
What's different?
What are some things you find cool and/or curious?
Share your work with your teacher.
Hit it!
Let's explore some more about numbers!
Watch the video and join in the activity.
You will need:
your workbook
0-9 dice or playing cards A-9 or numeral cards.
Hit it!
Duration: 9:04
(From Mike Askew, A practical guide to transforming primary mathematics, 2016)
You will need:
Benefits of being active and things that impact how active we are
Let's learn some benefits about being active!
Watch the video and complete the activities.
You will need:
coloured pencils or textas
your workbook.
Optional: You can use a tablet (like an iPad) or computer if you have access to one.
Benefits of being active
Duration: 10:17
What does the word active mean to you?
Write your definition in your book.
Select the arrow to see some ideas.
Being active means moving your body.
You can be active both inside and outside your home.
Being active can include actively playing with your family and friends, playing a sport or other exercise such as skipping.
What are the benefits of being active?
Write 3 examples.
Select the arrow to see some ideas.
stronger bones and muscles
feeling happy
better sleep
meeting new people.
What can impact how active we are?
Write 3 examples.
Select the arrow to see some ideas.
how you feel.
Create a plan to increase how active you are.
For example:
create a weekly timetable to fit in more time to be active.
create a map of your home and include all the places you can be active.
look for equipment you have and record a list and ways you could use it to be active.
PE Challenge
You will need:
Obstacle golf – testing alternatives
Let's practise our golfing skills!
Watch the video.
Testing alternatives
Duration: 6:55
It's your turn!
You will need:
A soft object to throw (e.g. soft ball, pair of socks, soft toy, scrunched-up paper)
3 objects or landmarks for targets for objects to hit (e.g. bucket, a long piece of string laid in a circle, an ‘X’ formed by two pieces of tape/material, a t-shirt laid on the ground, a chair, a wall, a tree).
Examples of what your activity might look like
To set up your space:
Create 3 targets that you can safely throw a soft object towards.
Choose a ‘starting point’ where you will throw the object from.
Place each target at different distances from the ’starting point’.
Choose or create at least one object that will act as an obstacle for each target. The obstacle needs to be placed between the ’starting point’ and the target.
Before you get started:
Write at least 2 different ways you could try throwing for each target.
Explain how you will use the space and change the amount of force (how hard or soft you throw).
Hint! Check out the drop-down below for some examples!
Example of how you could record your different types of throws
Not sure where to start? See some examples by selecting the arrow.
Examples could include:
throw the object high and hard – so it gets over the obstacle and only rolls a little way from the target
throw the object low and apply spin – so the object moves around the obstacle
throw the object softly – so it lands before the obstacle and you can take your second throw closer to the target.
Play obstacle golf:
Throw the object towards the target. You should aim to hit the target.
Pick up the object from where it landed and throw the object again until the target has been hit.
Record how many throws it took to hit the target.
Repeat the challenge 5 times for each of the 3 targets.
For those who like a challenge!
Try moving the starting line, obstacle, or target for each attempt.
Check-in survey – PDHPE
Answer the questions below about the activity you just did.
Student voice
Show how you feel about your learning today.