Youth AcHievement & Leadership

Youth Achievement AND LEadership Award Progression Pathways 

The diagram below shows the progression pathways for YAA - you do not have to "go up through each level, many of our S6 will do YAA Platinum without doing YAA Gold

Leadership Award / Sports Leadership (S5 & S6)

Course Aims

The Leadership Award develops knowledge of leadership skills, styles and qualities. It is designed for learners who take, or plan to take, a leading role for an activity.

Available at SCQF levels 5 and 6, the Award allows individuals to build self confidence and self esteem and encourages learners to respect the cultures and beliefs of others working alongside them.The Leadership Award is jointly certificated by SQA and the Chartered Management Institute.

Course Content

This has to be updated

Course Assessment

This has to be updated

Youth Achievement Award Silver Level (S4, 5 and 6)

These are individual learning awards that provide a framework to support quality work with young people, and offer formal recognition and accreditation for young peoples’ achievements.

Course Aims

This course aims to recognise pupil’s ability to plan, organise and carry out a range of events.  They can be tailored to support any activity and at the end pupils can earn a nationally recognised, SCQF levelled award.

Course Content

Over the year pupils must organise four separate events, which are known as challenges.  Pupils will be responsible for organising some of the events already in the school calendar, such as a charity coffee morning.  Other events will be based upon the interests of the class.

These events require pupils to work together in groups, but each pupil has very individualised targets based on self-reflection.

Pupils will follow a “Plan, do, review” process which will help them to develop skills for learning, life and work.

Pupils will take ownership of the full course through the running of the events, creating and maintaining a high quality portfolio which shows evidence of their work for the year.

Course Assessment

Pupils will produce a detailed and a personalised portfolio of evidence which is externally marked by YAA and SQA.

In order for your portfolio to be passed you are assessed on your evidence of four challenges/events totalling 90 hours.

Youth Achievement Award Platinum Level (S5 and 6 only)

This is an individual learning Award that provides a framework to support quality work with young people, and offers formal recognition and accreditation for young peoples’ achievements.

Course Aims

At Platinum level, in a leadership role you will take complete responsibility for creating and delivering learning opportunities for others.

Course Content

Your Personal Development Plan (Challenge 1) will look at your past experiences, your current status and your immediate and long-term goals.  This will help you decide what placement you will do and what Training you will need to do in order to support this. 

You will be expected to spend a minimum of 30 hours Training (Challenge 2) to acquire the additional skills before carrying out a placement which must be organised by the pupil.

Your Placement (Challenge 3) must involve a minimum of 60 hours of creating and delivering learning opportunities for others. You can either undertake a single extended Placement or a number of shorter Placements. 

When you have completed your Placement you are asked to reflect on your previous Challenges and produce a detailed Evaluation (Challenge 4) of your experiences. 

Finally you will plan, prepare and deliver a Presentation (Challenge 5) on your Platinum Award to an audience.  This is an opportunity for you to show all of the work you have undertaken as part of your Award and celebrate your achievements.

Course Assessment

Pupils will produce a detailed and a personalised portfolio of evidence which is externally marked by YAA and SQA.

In order for your portfolio to be passed you are assessed on your evidence of five challenges totalling 135 hours.

Social Education

Social Education is a core subject, all students will take this course.

To prepare pupils for employment, life, Further and Higher Education as well as continuing their personal and social development. We aim to provide pupils with an opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning and develop self-reliance and resilience.

Guidance staff are involved in delivering the course, which includes:

The following opportunities are available and pupils are encouraged to attend

*A small charge is usually made towards paying for transport for these organised opportunities. Students organise University Open Days themselves.