Physical Education

Progression pathways

S3 presentation PP updated 2024


SCQF Level 4

Subject: Physical Education National 4

Recommended previous experience: High kit/effort/attitude record in S3 core PE

Aims of the Course

To develop and demonstrate movement and performance skills in physical activities.  By engaging in physical activities learners can demonstrate initiative in decision making and problem solving.  This course also encourages learners to develop a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and the contribution physical activity makes to this.

Course Content

Performance Skills Unit:

Pupils will demonstrate a range of movement and performance skills in Physical activities.

Factors Impacting on Performance Unit:

Pupils will demonstrate:

Added Value Unit:

Pupils will prepare for and carry out a performance in a physical activity.

Course Assessment


The learner will be required to demonstrate movement and performance skills in straightforward contexts.

Factors Impacting on Performance

The learner will demonstrate knowledge of factors that impact on performance, in physical activities, demonstrating that they can monitor, record and reflect on the development of personal performance.

Added Value

Learners will integrate, extend and apply skills and knowledge that they have learned through a performance to show their ability to prepare for, carry out and reflect on performance in physical activity.

General Comments

All assessments are pass or fail.

Pupils will be required to do some home study. Pupils MUST bring PE kit at all times.


Senior School of Rugby (open to S4-S6) will complete the Developing Player Programme, which is a SQA Level 4 & Level 5 Verified award. This award is organised and supported by Scottish Rugby. The DPP requires you to complete circuit training and resistance training as well as develop a wide range of rugby skills. 

Throughout Senior School of Rugby, you will also gain Scottish Rugby Coaching and Refereeing Qualifications, which are officially recognised courses and open up opportunities to apply for college courses and future coaching jobs.

Subject: S4 CORE PE

New choice offered during their double period of core PE: Silver Award (Youth Scotland). 

Pupils who have PASSED Bronze award in S3 can opt in to complete a Silver Level award over 30 hours. This is almost equivalent to a Level 5 but like the Bronze is to be confirmed by August ’24 

SCQF Level 5

Subject: Physical Education National 5 

Recommended previous experience: High kit/effort/behaviour record in S3 pupils will have to agree on 2 activities that they can pass at National 5 with the PE department.  Pupils need to be sitting National 5 English, or Level 5 units.

Aims of the Course

To develop and demonstrate movement and performance skills in physical activities.  By engaging in practical activities learners can demonstrate initiative, decision making and problem solving.  The course encourages learners to develop positive attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle and provides opportunities to support the way that individual attitudes, values and behaviours are formed.

Course Content

Physical Education Performance Unit

Learners will demonstrate a comprehensive range of movements and performance skills in physical activities.

Factors impacting on Performance Unit

Learners will be able to:

Course Assessment

Assessment will be internal and external.

Performance- 50% (Internally Assessed)

This will provide evidence of the learner’s ability to plan, prepare for and effectively perform and evaluate personal performance, in two different competitive sporting performances.

Portfolio - 50% (Sent to SQA)

This will provide evidence of the process involved in performance development. It will assess the learner’s ability to integrate and apply knowledge and understanding across the units.

General Comments

Pupils will be expected to do home study. Pupils MUST bring PE Kit at all times.

SCQF Level 6

Subject: Physical Education Higher

Recommended previous experience: In considering this choice, students MUST bring appropriate kit. Pupils must have achieved, or be working towards successful completion of National 5 English or be working towards Higher English.

Aims of the Course

To develop and enhance movement and performance skills and apply Knowledge and Understanding to the analysis and evaluation of performance in physical activities.  This course provides an ideal platform to develop confidence, resilience, responsibility and working cooperatively with others.

Course Content

Performance Skills Unit: 

Learners will develop a broad and comprehensive range of complex movement and performance skills through a range of physical activities.

Factors Impacting in Performance Unit

Learners will develop their knowledge and understanding of mental social, emotional and physical factors that impact on personal performance and how these factors can influence effectiveness in performance.

Course Assessment

Assessment will be external.

Performance – 50% of course award.

2 hours 30 minutes written exam – 50% of course award.