S3 Numeracy

Curricular Area: Numeracy 

Subject: Mathematics 


Students will study Mathematics at a level pre-determined by prior experience and demonstrated skills.  Most students will study at Third or Fourth level, with some topics being taken beyond that, in preparation for Senior Phase courses.  Topics include further algebra skills, similar shapes, bearings and scale drawing problem solving, area and volume problem solving and applications, percentage applications, functions and number skills applications, as well as study and exam skills specifically for Mathematics. 

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Lessons are designed to build on prior knowledge and skills in the areas of Number, Algebra, Shape, Position & Movement, and Information Handling.  Lessons will also allow pupils to see the applications of these processes in the world around us.  Pupils will also be encouraged to enhance their personal attributes of resilience, working with others, written and verbal communication, and problem solving. 


No matter how the world changes, Maths will always be at the heart of life.  Quite simply, Maths not only helps you understand the world, it also opens up a world of opportunities!  It’s almost impossible to get through a day without using Maths in some way, because our world is full of numbers to handle and problems to solve.  Studying Maths provides you with the tools to make sense of it all. 

The mathematical skills of problem solving, logical thinking, and investigation will help your progress in whatever you choose to study in the future.  In addition to these general skills, you will need Maths for learning in a wide range of areas – everything from plumbing to Economics.  What types of skills do employers look for?  Problem solving, analysis, data handling and communication skills, to name just a few.  These transferable skills are useful in any job, and you can get all of them from studying Maths.