S3 Social studies

Curricular Area: Social Studies 

Subject : Business Management (Code XCBF)

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Are you an entrepreneur of the future?  Is there a bright idea inside you bursting to get out?  If the answers are yes, then you could do no better than join this class. Business plays an important role in society.  We all rely on businesses and entrepreneurs to create wealth, prosperity, jobs and choices.  We often work in a business.  Start your journey here! 

Discover how businesses are organised in marketing, finance, operations and human resources.   Look at promoting products, calculating the profit made, correctly storing stock and recruiting the best person for the job. In addition, you will understand the factors that affect the success of an organisation, such as lack of cash flow, poorly trained staff, bad weather, new laws and changes in fashions. 

This course involves experiential learning within practical contexts.  Through the use of practical activities and knowledge of business, learners will be given an insight into what businesses do to remain competitive, customer-focused and successful. 

Pupils will have a grounding in how to function well within a business context.

Subject: Geography (Code XCGF)

Geography is the study of places and the connections between people and their surroundings. It is, quite simply, about the world in which we live.

In the S3 course students will answer some big questions by learning about the following topics:


Learning for Sustainability

Climate Change

Coasts, Conflict and Change

Natural Wonders

The course will also involve researching, presenting and interpreting information through a variety of activities. The skills and knowledge gained during this course will prepare learners for further education and a variety of careers.

Students will also have the opportunity to take part in outdoor learning by attending our annual river trip to explore the ideas studied in class.

All topics help develop knowledge and skills to progress seamlessly into Nat 4 and 5 courses. The Global Issues topic of Natural Hazards involving the study of Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tropical Storms is started at the end of S3. 

Subject: History (Code XCHF) 

It is impossible to fully understand the world we live in without an appreciation of the past. History allows us all to make better sense of the present, develop our world views, and have a better understanding of the factors that influence change and progress. The S3 History course first looks at the development of America comparing the attitudes and beliefs of Native Americans with white settlers from Europe who came to dominate the continent.

We will also investigate some of the darkest and most brutal moments of world history from the 20th century, helping us to understand how these came to pass and what lessons individuals and society can learn from them.

Finally, we will start National 4 and 5 preparation by assessing the key events from the Russian Revolutions at the start of the twentieth century. This will help broaden our understanding of Russian politics and society and introduce several Russian leaders who make Vladimir Putin appear rather rational.

More specifically each unit will cover:

Native Americans and White Settlers

This unit includes:

The Rise of the Nazis

This topic will allow us to understand how Hitler and the Nazi Party were able to rise to power in the aftermath of the First World War. It will include:

The Holocaust

This topic will allow us to have a greater understanding of arguably the darkest event of the 20th century. This topic will look at themes of racism, prejudice, discrimination and resistance and will very much focus on what lessons we can learn from this period. It will include:


Revolutionary Russia

This topic will cover life in Russia at the turn of the 20th Century, including:

Subject: Modern Studies (Code XCMF)

Modern Studies offers a unique insight into local, national and international issues that are taking place around the world today.  Learners have the opportunity to find out about the world, and their place in it.  The course covers many international, social and political issues, but lessons are also created and adapted based on any significant events around the world which are relevant at the time. In the last few months this has included the controversy surrounding the Israel and Gaza conflict, the Donald Trump's campaign to become the US President again, poverty in the UK, and political protests in sport. In preparation for the National Modern Studies course students will also beging to study the National unit Crime and the Law. 

What in the World?

During the course student will:

Crime and the Law

Throughout this course student will learn about:


While studying these topics students will also be developing many skills including making and justifying decisions, researching current issues and making recommendations on potential solutions, and debating.

Subject: Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies (Code XREF)

RME helps students understand the main beliefs and values of world religions, while also studying the religious and philosophical responses to moral and contemporary religious debates. The course is divided into three units which are:

Morality and Belief


Religious and Philosophical Questions (BOTH RELIGIOUS AND NON-RELIGIOUS)

World Religion - What is the importance to the world of religion?

Throughout the three units students will gain a range of skills including investigation, analysis, evaluation, and the ability to express beliefs and views in a reasoned manner. Discussion and debate will be used regularly to form our views.