
Progression pathways

The diagram below shows the progression pathways in this subject area.

Expressive Arts (Art, Drama and Music)

SCQF Level 3/4 onwards

Subject: Music: Performing on One Instrument or Voice (SCQF Levels 3/4/5/6/7)

Recommended previous experience: No previous experience required

Aims of the Course

In this Unit candidates will develop skills in solo instrumental or vocal performance beyond an elementary level.  They will rehearse a varied programme of music, expand their knowledge of their chosen instrument/voice and its repertoire, and present a musical performance.

Course Content

Pupils will be required to; 

Course Assessment

General Comments

This course would be particularly suited to students who have a particular strength on one instrument only. This course offers a less formal environment to learn and has less focus on Understanding Music or Composition

Subject: Music National 3/4 and SCQF units at levels 3/4/5

Aims of the Course

The aim of these courses is to provide a broad practical experience of performing and creating music whilst developing the related knowledge and understanding of music.  Course activities allow learners to work independently or in collaboration with others, and can help learners to plan and organise, to make decisions and to take responsibility for their own learning.

Potential Course Content

Performing Skills

The aim of this Unit is to develop learner’s knowledge and understanding of music, music concepts and musical literacy.

Understanding Music

The aim of this Unit is to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of music, music concepts and musical literacy. 

Composing Skills

The aim of this Unit is to allow learners to experiment with using a range of compositional methods and music concepts in creative ways.

Course Assessment

Performing Skills

One or more performances to a teacher or audience over the school year.  Internally assessed and moderated by the SQA.

Understanding Music

Internal assessment of concept and literacy knowledge in May and moderated by the SQA

Composing Skills

Internally assessed and moderated by the SQA.

National 4 only:  Music Performance Added Value Unit

The aim of this Unit is to enable the learner to provide evidence of added value for the National 4 music course. Students will perform an 8 minute programme of music to an assessor.

General Comments

The minimum standard required in performing skills is equivalent to Associated Board Grade 1 and 2.

Subject: Music Technology National 4

Recommended previous experience:  No previous experience required but an interest in music production and technology is recommended.

Aims of the Course

The aim of this course is to provide a broad range of practical technical skills and creative use of music technology while developing their knowledge and understanding of music technology and music concepts, form and structures.  Music-technology-based activities and tasks undertaken throughout the course encourage learners to work independently or in collaboration with others and develop their ability to express themselves through music, which supports creativity and independence.  The course encourages learners to critically reflect on their learning and the quality of their work.

Course Content

Understanding of 20th and 21st Century Music

The aim of this unit is to develop knowledge and understanding of 20th and 21st Century styles and genres of music, and an understanding of how music technology has influenced and been influenced by developments in the 20th and 21st Century. 

Music Technology Skills

The aim of this unit is to develop a range of skills and techniques related to the creative use of music technology hardware and software to capture and manipulate audio.

Music Technology Contexts

The aim of this unit is to use music technology skills to capture and manipulate audio and sequenced data, and mix down to an audio master in appropriate file format, in a range of contexts such as live performance, radio broadcast, sound design for film, audiobooks and computer gaming.

Course Assessment

Developing an understanding of 20th and 21st Century Music: External assessment of conceptual knowledge in May.

Music Technology Contexts: 2 assignments (each including production plan, completed audio master, electronic log/diary & evaluation) to be submitted to the SQA.

General Comments

A National 4 unit for Music Technology in Context is also available to students who do not wish to complete the full course.

SCQF Level 5

Subject: Music National 5

Recommended previous experienceNational 4 Music or an S3 recommendation for National 5

Aims of the Course

The aim of this course is to provide a broad practical experience of performing and creating music whilst developing related knowledge and understanding of music.  Course activities allow learners to work independently or in collaboration with others, and can help learners to plan and organise, to make decisions and to take responsibility for their own learning

Course Content

Performing skills

The aim of this Unit is to develop and refine performing skills on two selected instruments, or on one instrument and voice. 

Understanding Music

The aim of this Unit is to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of music, music concepts and musical literacy. 

Composing skills

The aim of this Unit is to allow learners to experiment with using a range of compositional methods and music concepts in creative ways

Course Assessment

Performing skills:  8 minute performance to an external examiner in February/March.

Understanding Music:  External assessment of concept and literacy knowledge in May.

Composing skills:  Externally assessed by the SQA.

General Comments

National 5 Units are also available to students who do not wish to complete the full course.

SCQF Level 6

Subject: Music Higher

Recommended previous experience: National 5 Music.  Pupils who have not sat National 5 will be individually considered on a case by case basis.

Aims of the Course

The aim of this course is to provide a broad practical experience of performing and creating music whilst developing the related knowledge and understanding of music.  Course activities allow learners to work independently or in collaboration with others, and can help learners to plan and organise, to make decisions and to take responsibility for their own learning.

Course Content

Performing skills

The aim of this Unit is to develop and refine performing skills on two selected instruments, or on one instrument and voice. 

Understanding Music

The aim of this Unit is to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of music, music concepts and musical literacy. 

Composing skills

The aim of this Unit is to allow learners to experiment with using a range of compositional methods and music concepts in creative ways.

Course Assessment

Performing skills:  12 minute performance to an external examiner in February/March.

Understanding Music:  External assessment of concept and literacy knowledge in May.

Composing skills:  Externally assessed by the SQA.

General Comments

Higher Units are also available to students who do not wish to complete the full course.

Performing Level - Standard equivalent to Grade IV Associated Board.

SCQF Level 7

Subject: Music Post-Higher Provision:  Advanced Higher

Recommended previous experience: Higher Music at Grade A or B

Aims of the Course

The aim of this course is to provide a broad practical experience of performing and creating.

Music whilst developing the related knowledge and understanding of music.  Course activities allow learners to work independently or in collaboration with others, and can help learners to plan and organise, to make decisions and to take responsibility for own learning.

Course Content

Performing skills

The aim of this Unit is to develop and refine performing skills on two selected instruments, or on one instrument and voice. 

Understanding Music

The aim of this Unit is to develop learners’ knowledge and understanding of music, music concepts and musical literacy. 

Composing skills

The aim of this Unit is to allow learners to experiment with using a range of compositional methods and music concepts in creative ways

Course Assessment

Performing skills:  18 minute performance to an external examiner in May

Understanding Music:  External assessment of concept and literacy knowledge in May.

Composing skills:  Externally assessed by the SQA.

General Comments

Advanced Higher Units are also available to students who do not wish to complete the full course.

Performing Level – Standard equivalent to Grade V Associated Board.