S3 Health & Wellbeing

Curricular Area: Health and Wellbeing 

Subject: Personal and Social Education

Personal and Social Education Personal and Social Education in S3 covers the following key elements: Relationships (SHARE), The dangers of gambling and planning for choices and change (target setting, next steps and course selection for the Senior Phase).  Alongside this all pupils will get an opportunity to take part in a work placement which will develop their awareness of the local job market and the potential vocational pathways that are available to them. 

The course is taught using a variety of methods including class discussion, small group work, practical work, use of DVD and computers for research, individual written tasks and presentations.  There is also an opportunity for students to gain knowledge and engage with external agencies such as Community Police and the School Nurse.  PSE aims to develop each student’s self-awareness, self-esteem and confidence, assist in developing skills to clarify personal attitudes and values and develop interpersonal skills for life.

Subject: Core PE 

Students will participate in 2 hours of compulsory physical PE per week.  Pupils are expected to bring appropriate PE kit on all occasions for the 2 period session. 

It is important to recognise the benefits of such physical activity for their wellbeing and the skills and knowledge they will gain from active participation to support a healthy lifestyle.  Students will also be involved in the structure of playing games. This will involve roles and responsibilities like officiating, care of equipment, scoring etc. 

PE Options for S3

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Subject: SCHOOL OF RUGBY (S2 & S3)

S2 School of Rugby provides the opportunity to develop your rugby skills alongside gaining a Dynamic Youth Award. Throughout the course you will engage in many rugby training sessions, competitive fixtures and set yourself targets to improve both your rugby skills and personal skills. You will take responsibility for your role within the class and develop a wide variety of transferable skills.

S3 School of Rugby provides the opportunity to develop your rugby skills alongside gaining a 30 hour Bronze Award. In similar fashion to the S2 School of Rugby, you will develop your rugby skills to a higher standard whilst setting and completing targets throughout your 30 hours of the Bronze Award. This award will develop your rugby abilities and your ability to identify and use transferable skills.

This Bronze Award will be almost equivalent to Level 4 but this is to be confirmed by August ’24 (Youth Scotland rebranding and reshaping awards structure to start in August).