Home Economics

Progression Pathways

The diagram below shows the progression pathways in this subject area.

2024 S3 to senior Phase Home Ec

Home Economics

SCQF Level 3/4

Subject: Practical cookery National 3/4 – 1 year course

Recommended previous experience: Genuine interest in practical cooking

Aims of the Course

This course aims to develop an understanding of the use and choice of equipment, materials, and procedures used in food and the link between food and health; develop good organisational skills, and provide a wide experience in all aspects of food to help develop creative and aesthetic skills.

Course Content

The students will study three mandatory units:

Cookery skills, Techniques and Processes

This introduces students to all the practical skills and techniques required in the hospitality industry eg cuts of vegetables, cookery terms, piping and garnishes.  The students will cook set dishes to develop their understanding and skill level to achieve an exceptionally high standard of presentation.

Understanding and using ingredients

This introduces students to current food issues around sourcing sustainable foods, recognising local & seasonal produce and using it in creating their dishes.

Organisational Skills for cooking

Students will be challenged while undertaking practical activities to develop their time management, literacy & numeracy, organisational, evaluation and reflective skills.

Course Assessment

National 3/4 - All units will be internally assessed and verified at local level, this includes the added value unit.

General Comments

By undertaking this course students will be able to work at the appropriate pace and level to meet their individual needs.

Students will undertake practical activities for a maximum of two periods per week, supported by related theory in the remaining time.

This course offers a variety of teaching approaches including links to the Hospitality Industry; work with local chefs, competition work, plus planning and running a number of catered school events.

SCQF Level 4/5

Subject: FASHION & TEXTILES Technology National 4/5 

Recommended previous experience: Genuine interest in garment/fashion construction, some prior sewing experience. Studying National 4/5 English.

Aims of the Course

Fashion and Textile technology is an exciting course at Preston Lodge suitable for students with an interest in creating their own unique designs from initial concept through to finished product. Students will learn through practical tasks and follow the creative process of textile and fashion product development. They will have the opportunity to explore textile technology, garment assembly, methods of decoration and find out more about the ever changing world of fashion and textile design. They will develop their associated knowledge and demonstrate this through a written assessment.

Course Content

The course consists of three mandatory units of study:

This Unit provides students with the opportunity to develop basic knowledge of textile technologies.  This will include the characteristics and properties of fibres, yarns and fabrics.

This Unit provides students with the opportunity to develop fashion/textile items.  They will work to a given brief to plan, manufacture and evaluate fashion/textile items.

Students will work to a given brief to plan, manufacture and evaluate fashion/textile items with a particular focus on issues that affect fashion choice for individuals and society.

Course Assessment

The course will be assessed through a practical project where pupils will plan, design, manufacture and evaluate a textile item from a given brief that will draw together the skills and knowledge gained from studying the 3 units above.  Items made could be either home furnishings or a clothing garment, this will be dictated by the brief. Additionally there will be a one hour written assessment during the SQA exam diet.

General Comments

Do you have an idea in mind when you go shopping but you can never quite find exactly what you are looking for? This course will provide you with the knowledge, practical skills and confidence to go ahead and make it yourself!

SCQF Level 5

Subject: Practical cookery- National 5 

Recommended previous experience: National 4 practical cookery qualification.  Studying or achieved National 5 English. 

Aims of the Course

This course aims to further develop an understanding of the use and choice of equipment, materials, and procedures used in food and the link between food and health; develop good organisational skills, and provide a wide experience in all aspects of food to help develop creative and aesthetic skills.   It also allows a deeper understanding of the related theory and how this impacts on the preparation methods and sourcing of ingredients. This is demonstrated by the students through a written assessment.

Course Content

The students will study three mandatory units:

Cookery Skills, Techniques and Processes

This introduces students to all the practical skills and techniques required in the hospitality industry e.g. cuts of vegetables, cookery terms, piping and garnishes.  The students will cook set dishes to develop their understanding and skill level to achieve an exceptionally high standard of presentation.

Understanding and using ingredients

This introduces students to current food issues around sourcing sustainable foods, recognising local & seasonal produce and using it in creating their dishes.

Organisational skills for cooking

Students will be challenged while undertaking practical activities to develop their time management, literacy & numeracy, organisational, evaluation and reflective skills.

Course Assessment

This may be externally verified by SQA.

General Comments

By undertaking this course students will be able to work at the appropriate pace and level to meet their individual needs. They should be working at the same level of English.

Students will undertake practical activities for a maximum of two periods per week, supported by related theory in the remaining time.

Subject: Practical Cake Craft National 5

Recommended previous experience: National 4 or 5 Practical Cookery or personal portfolio evidence. Studying National 5 English.

Aims of the Course

Practical Cake craft delivers the technical and creative skills and knowledge required to allow students to competently bake, cover and decorate a range of cakes to a professional standard.  Students will be introduced to a range of techniques and encouraged to consider shape, texture and colour in order to create unique cake designs.  They will develop their associated knowledge and demonstrate this through a written assessment.

Course Content

The course has 2 mandatory units of study: 

Cake Baking

This unit allows students to practise a broad range of techniques and processes to bake a range of commercially available cakes and other baked goods.

Cake finishing

The aim of this Unit is to equip students with the ability to creatively finish cakes and other baked items.  This will involve the use of a range of cake coverings and decorative finishes. The diversity in tools and equipment will allow students to be creative and experimental in their approach to practical tasks.   They will create the plan (externally assessed), carry out the activity (may be externally verified) and undertake a written assessment of 45 minute duration during the SQA exam diet.

Course Assessment

Final assignment – planning and implementing

Short written paper

General Comments

It offers candidates the opportunities for an integrated, hands-on skill development, with exit paths to employment or progression into further and/or Higher education.

SCQF Level 5/6

Subject: Health & Food Technology National  5 / Higher 

Recommended previous experience:  S3 Intro to Health & Food or genuine interest in food, health & related technology. Equivalent standard of English. This is predominantly theory based.

Aims of the Course

The course will give the students the opportunity to develop and make informed food & consumer choices throughout their future regarding their Health & Wellbeing. By undertaking this course students will be able to work at the appropriate pace and level to meet their individual needs.

Course Content

The students will study three mandatory units: (Note – occasionally through practical activity)

Explain how their food products are developed

Develop food products to meet specific needs

Explain the relationship between food, health and nutrition

Make food products to meet dietary needs

Explain consumer food choices

Make food products which take into consideration food choices

Course Assessment

Assignment – externally assessed.

External written exam

National 5: 1 hour 50 minutes

Higher: 2 hours

General Comments

This course involves a variety of teaching approaches both within and out with school, including work/visits with industry partners & visiting speakers.

Higher Health and Food Technology/Science is acceptable as entry qualification for most university and college courses. The experience of Higher would be useful for many professions such as nutrition, dietetics, hospitality industry, food technology, child care, nursing, teaching, retail, local government and social and environmental health services.

The Scottish Food and Drink industry will be the largest employer within the next 5 years.  Many opportunities exist and will exist in this sector.  Students must be prepared to pay towards the cost per dish cooked; to help cover the cost of food.