
Progression Pathways

The diagram below shows the progression pathways in this subject area.

PATHWAY Rationale

Science offers various progression routes in the senior phase covering National 3 through to Advanced Higher including various NPAs (National Progression Awards) and SfW (Skills for work) options.  These courses offer qualifications at SCQF levels from 3 through to level 7.  Your attainment in the BGE (S1-3) will determine your entry point in the progression route diagram.  You will study some National 4 content as part of your S3 course.

In the senior phase, progression can be horizontally across the Sciences (allowing breadth) or vertically within individual Sciences (depth).  In Science, achieving a National 4 does not always mean that National 5 is the best next step.  Likewise, achieving a National 5 does not always mean that Higher is the best next step.  Alternative routes in Science include National Progression Awards (NPAs), Skills for Work courses (SfW) and Foundation Apprenticeship (FA).

A general summary of progression routes in Science is shown above, however, the most appropriate route is best discussed with your Science and Guidance teachers.

The range of courses being offered in Science are described in more detail below are and grouped by SCQF level.

Course Expectations

All course materials are made available via Google Drive and Google Classroom from the beginning of the course.  Students will be expected to engage with regular home study and complete all homework tasks to achieve success in Science.  Due to assessed practical work, good attendance is also essential.

Due to the numeracy/literacy requirements in Science, students should be working at or recommended for a similar level in English/Maths as their Science course.  E.g. for Nat 5 Biology, you should also be working towards or be recommended for National 5 English and Maths.

SCQF Level 3/4


This course is split between the Science and Numeracy faculties and is appropriate for students who are not sitting Nat 4 Maths or above.  You will spend half of the week with Science and the other half with Maths.

For more information on this course, please check out the numeracy page.

SCQF Level 4

SCQF Level 4:  NPA Science & Technology (S4/5/6)

Recommended Previous ExperienceStudents should have studied S3 Biology, Chemistry or Physics and preferably be working towards SCQF level 4 / Nat 4 in Maths and English.

NPA4 Science and Technology


This course is an extension of the work covered in S3 Science and students will have the opportunity to gain at least a NPA4 qualification, but may also be able to complete additional National 4 qualifications in the Science(s) studied in S3.  This course builds a foundation towards studying National 5 Laboratory skills, NPA Practical Electronics, National 5 Environmental Science at SCQF level 5.

The course has the following four units:

Course Assessment

This course is assessed internally only via unit assessments which include practical assessments.  There is no final SQA exam.


Recommended Previous Experience:  Students who have studied NPA4 Science and Technology


This course is an extension of the work in S3 Physics and NPA 4 Science and Technology on electricty but will focus on more advanced circuitry including logic circuits, microprocessors, circuit design, simulation and construction.  This is a hands on course that involves use of computer simulation software and circuit construction using techniques such as soldering.

The course has the following three units:

Course Assessment

This course is assessed internally only via unit assessments which include practical assessments.  There is no final SQA exam.

SCQF Level 4:  National 4 top up Biology/Chemistry/PHYSICS (S5/6)

Recommended Previous Experience:  Students recommended for NPA4 Science and Technology.

National 4 Biology

National 4/5 Chemistry


This course allows students to build on content covered in their S3 Science classes and NPA4 SciTech in order to achieve a National 4 award in a Science.  This could require between 1 and 3 units of work.   This course builds a foundation towards studying National 5 Laboratory skills at SCQF level 5.  This course is normally undertaken at the same time as the NPA4 Science and Technology course in S4, but can be revisited in S5/6.


Unit title

Where you may have already studied these units

Biology National 4

Cell Biology

Multicellular organisms

Life on Earth

S3 Biology

S3 Biology

S3 Biology

Chemistry National 4

Chemical changes and structure

Nature's chemistry

Chemistry in Society

S3 Chemistry

S3 Chemistry

NPA4 Science and Technology

Physics National 4

Electricity and Energy

Waves and Radiation

Dynamics and Space

NPA4 Science and Technology

S3 Physics

S3 Physics

Course Assessment

This course is assessed internally only via unit assessments which include practical assessments.  There is also an added value unit assessment that is an extended investigative report on a topical area of science that may cover more than one unit of work.  There is no final SQA exam.

SCQF Level 5

SCQF Level 5:  National 5 Biology / Chemistry / Physics / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (S4/5/6)

Recommended Previous ExperienceThese courses are aimed at S4/5/6 pupils who were recommended for National 5 level in S3, or those who have already gained or currently studying another Science subject at National 5.

Whilst National 5 is the stage beyond National 4, this may not be the best progression route for National 4 or SCQF4 students.

National 5 Biology

National 4/5 Chemistry

National 5 Physics


These courses are for those pupils who want to specialise their study of the discrete Sciences beyond the broad general education.  These courses build a foundation towards studying Higher qualifications and other Science courses (such as NPAs) in future years.  Each course contains three or six taught units and these cover the following topics:




Environmental Science (not S4)

Course Assessment

Internal assessment

Each unit has one assessment which can be used for unit awards.  These are not required to sit the final exam, however, students can be given a credit for these separately as unit passes.  The unit test and outcome 1 practical report must be passed in order to be credited with the unit.

External Assessment (SQA)

One examination paper of 2 hours 30 minutes duration (Scaled to 100 marks) 

Assignment report (Scaled to 25 marks)


Recommended Previous Experience:  Students who have completed the NPA4 Science and Technology or another Science at level 4 or 5.


This course is an extension of the work in S3 Physics and NPA 4 Science and Technology on electricty but will focus on more advanced circuitry including logic circuits, microprocessors, circuit design, simulation and construction.  This is a hands on course that involves use of computer simulation software and circuit construction using techniques such as soldering.

The course has the following three units:

Course Assessment

Internal assessment

Each unit has one assessment which can be used for unit awards.  These are not required to sit the final exam, however, students can be given a credit for these separately as unit passes.  The unit test and outcome 1 practical report must be passed in order to be credited with the unit.

External Assessment (SQA)

One examination paper of 2 hours 30 minutes duration (Scaled to 100 marks) 

Assignment report (Scaled to 25 marks)

SCQF Level 5:  National 5 Laboratory SCIENCE (S4/5/6)

Recommended Previous ExperienceStudents should have studied at least one Science at National 5 or have completed the SCQF4 Science & Technology course, however, this course is also suitable for students recommended at National 5/SCQF5 level.


This course provides experience of working in a Science laboratory and develops identified skills for work.   This course builds a foundation towards studying other SCQF5/6 qualifications in other Sciences in future years.

Students will study for a ‘Skills for Work’ qualification in Laboratory Science at National 5 level.  The four units of the course are:

All units have a mixture of theory and applied practical work and develop skills for work.

Course Assessment

Each unit is assessed internally by means of a written test or a scientific report on pieces of experimental work that has been carried out.  There is also a practical assignment that is an extended investigative report on a topical area of science covered that may include more than one unit of work.  The course has no final exam and is internally assessed with verification from the SQA.


Recommended Previous Experience:  Students should have already achieved a level 4 or level 5 qualification in Science.  Ideally a pass at National 4 Maths and English and preferably working towards SCQF level 5.


This course gives a level 5 qualification in Science that covers all three Sciences.  It is useful for students looking to progress towards a level 6 qualification such as Scientific Technologies or the Foundation Apprenticeship.  The course is made up of a three subject based units, one from each of the National 5 Biology, Chemistry and Physics courses and one practical unit.   The units covered are:

Course Assessment

Each unit is assessed internally by means of a written test and a scientific report on experimental work that has been carried out.  There is also practical assessments based on carrying out experimental techniques for each Science unit. The course has no final exam and is internally assessed with verification from the SQA.

SCQF Level 6

SCQF Level 6:  Higher Biology / Human Biology / Chemistry / Physics / ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (S5/6)

Recommended Previous ExperienceStudents should have ideally already achieved a level A or B pass at National 5 level in the relevant Science.  Ideally a pass at National 5 Maths and English and preferably working towards Higher level would also be beneficial.

ABOUT the Courses

These courses aim to stimulate interest in the discrete Science subjects. They provide the opportunity to deepen your understanding and develop your Scientific practical, numeracy, literacy and problem solving skills.  Each course will allow you to explain the Science behind the knowledge covered at National 5 level.  These courses allow progression to other Sciences at SCQF6, Higher or Advanced Higher and beyond.

Students studying Higher Chemistry may also be able to achieve an additional SCQF6 / NPA6 award in Scientific Technologies as part of their studies (which counts as an additional Higher). 

The courses have three units which involve a mixture of theoretical and practical work:


Human Biology

Chemistry *


Environmental Science

Each course contains a ‘Researching Biology / Chemistry / Physics / Environmental Science section including content used to complete the Higher assignment other skills that cover the course. 

*The NPA6 Scientific Technologies award covers Fundamental Chemistry, Maths for Science 2, Laboratory Safety and Experimental Science.  These can be studied alongside Higher Chemistry.

Course Assessment

Internal Course Assessment

Each unit has one assessment which can be used for unit awards.  These are not required to sit the final exam, however, students can be given a credit for these separately as unit passes.  The unit test and outcome 1 practical report must be passed in order to be credited with the unit.

External Course Assessment (SQA)

One examination paper of 3 hours over two papers. (120 scaled marks)

Assignment report (30 scaled marks)

East Lothian Foundation Apprenticeship: Scientific Technologies

The Foundation Apprenticeship in Scientific Technologies aids students in gaining an in-depth understanding of the essential science theories, and learn about the mathematics and fundamental concepts of science. Students also have the opportunity to carry out scientific and technical tests using manual equipment within a laboratory.

Students will study fundamental chemistry concepts whilst gaining confidence in a wide range of chemical and biological experimental techniques. Whilst students attend their allocated research facility, they will record and gather evidence of their lab work and complete a variety of experiment based work in order to pass three skills-based SVQ units.

Most of the theory based learning will take place in year 1 of the qualification and the skills based learning and employer work placement will take place in year 2 of the programme however we aim to have a combination across the two years. Throughout the two year course students are expected to pass a range of internal assessments relevant to the course subject. As the course follows a two year programme, there is no partial award or credit at the end of year 1. For this reason, students must be committed to completing the course in its entirety.

Employers currently involved with the programme include:

- Charles River Laboratories

- Scottish Rural College

- University of Edinburgh

For further information please visit:

SQA Course Code: GN14 46

Entry Requirements: Students who have achieved/on track to achieve a National 5 Science subject, and a pass in National 5 Maths. Each pupil will be required to attend an interview.  We are happy to consider students who do not meet the entry requirements but are interested in the course.

Location: Dunbar Grammar School / Employer work place 

Dates and Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, approximately 1.30pm-5.00pm (this is not inclusive of travel time). Please note this course takes 2 years to complete.

If you have any further questions about the opportunities on offer, please contact

East Lothian Foundation Apprenticeship: Scientific Technologies Direct Entry (S6 Pupils Only)

Pupils will gain an in-depth understanding of essential science theories over a one year, intensive programme, and learn about the fundamental concepts of science. Pupils will have plenty of opportunities to carry out scientific and technical tests using manual equipment within a functioning laboratory in their work placement.

Throughout the course you will be expected to pass a range of internal assessments such as UASP test, lab report submissions, and skills-based assessments. Students will also complete an intensive week long training sessions with an employer upon course commencement in June. On completion of this course pupils will have greatly improved their chances of gaining entry into a variety of undergraduate Science courses both in Further and Higher education. Pupils will also be in a position to apply for entry level positions in the Science industry via Modern or Graduate Apprenticeship programmes, as well as going directly into employment within this sector.

Current employers involved in this programme include:

- Charles River Laboratories

- Scottish Rural College

- University of Edinburgh

 For further information please visit:

SQA Course Code: GN14 46 

Entry Requirements: S6 students only, pupils must have passed Higher Chemistry and Higher Maths. Each pupil will be required to attend an interview. 

Location: Dunbar Grammar School / Employer work place 

Dates and Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, approximately 1.30pm-5.00pm (not inclusive of travel time). Please note this course takes 1 year to complete and is only available to S6 pupils

If you have any further questions about the opportunities on offer, please contact

SCQF Level 7

SCQF Level 7:  advanced Higher Biology / Chemistry / Physics (S6)

Recommended Previous ExperienceStudents should have already achieved a level A or B pass at Higher level in the relevant Science and ideally a pass at Higher Maths and English.

ABOUT the CourseS

These courses aim to deepen your subject knowledge and help prepare you to study Sciences beyond school level.

The courses have three/four units which involve a mixture of theoretical and practical work:


Cells and proteins

Organisms and evolution

Investigative biology


Inorganic chemistry

Physical chemistry

Organic chemistry and instrumental analysis

Researching chemistry


Rotational motion and astrophysics

Quanta and waves


Units, prefixes and uncertainties

There is also a practical project investigation which contributes to the final course choice assessment.

Course Assessment

Internal Course Assessment

Each unit has one assessment which can be used for unit awards.  These are not required to sit the final exam, however, students can be given a credit for these separately as unit passes.  The unit test and outcome 1 practical report must be passed in order to be credited with the unit.

External Course Assessment (SQA)

One examination paper of 2hours 30 minutes

Project report