
Progression Pathways

The diagram below shows the progression pathways available in this subject area.

English Course Choices


SCQF Level 4

National 4 English

Aims of the Course

To develop learners’ confidence and skills in Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening.

Course Content & assessment

There are four mandatory units in this course. 

Analysis and Evaluation

Learners will study literature, language, media, and complete a personal reading programme. 

Two outcomes:

In addition, learners will be taught how to plan and write literature essays but they will not be formally assessed in this skill.

Creation and Production

Learners will produce writing pieces in various genres and perform a talk. 

Two outcomes:


No specific outcomes, but learners must meet the standards of literacy required to pass units 1, 2 and 4.

Added Value Unit 

A research project, where learners have to demonstrate the application of skills taught in the

other units.  Learners have to choose a task, carry out research and present their findings either in writing (700-800 words) or by doing a presentation (at least 5 minutes, not including questions).

SCQF Level 5

National 5 English 

It is recommended that learners entering this course achieve at least Level 3 in Reading and Writing in S3 or pass National 4 English.

Aims of the Course

To develop learners’ confidence and skills in Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening and to be able to apply these skills in unfamiliar contexts.

Course Content

Learners will study literature, language and media, and they will complete a personal reading programme. 

Learners will be taught how to plan and write literature essays in preparation for the final exam, and they will learn how to analyse written texts – both fiction and non-fiction.

Learners will produce writing pieces in various genres. Currently, one writing piece will be submitted to the SQA in March of the presentation year.  

Learners will also participate in a group discussion or perform a solo talk.  This is assessed on a pass/fail basis and the results are submitted to the SQA before presentation.

Course Assessment

Candidates have to pass the outcomes for each Unit detailed above before progressing to the external exam.


Paper 1: Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation (1 hour)

Paper 2:  Critical Reading (1 hour and 30 minutes)


A portfolio is submitted to the SQA before the final examination. It currently contains one piece of extended writing that is broadly creative or broadly discursive. 

N.B. In previous years, two portfolio pieces have been required. 

SCQF level 5 Units: communication & introduction to literature 

It is recommended that learners entering this course achieve a pass for National 4 English.

Aims of the Course

To develop learners' confidence and skills in Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening and to be able to apply these skills in unfamiliar contexts.

Course Content

Learners will study literature, language and the mass media. Learners will be taught how to plan and write literature essays in preparation for the final assessment, and will learn how to analyse written texts – both fiction and non-fiction.

Learners will produce writing pieces in various genres. Learners will participate in a group discussion or perform a solo talk.

There is no exam for this course. It is designed to offer students who have either achieved National 4 by the end of S3 or during the course of S4 an alternative qualification to National 5 English. The units are assessed on a pass/fail basis and results are submitted to the SQA. 

Passing both Level 5 units is the equivalent of a C pass at National 5 for entrance to college and some universities.

Course Assessment (all in-class)

Unit 1: Introduction to Literature

Unit 2: Communication

SCQF Level 6

Higher English

It is recommended that learners entering this course achieve an A or a B for National 5 English.

Aims of the Course

To challenge and increase learners’ skills in Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening and to be able to apply these skills in unfamiliar contexts.

Course Content

Learners will study challenging examples of literature, language and media, and they will complete a personal reading programme. In addition, learners will develop their skills of planning and writing literature essays in preparation for the final exam.

Learners will produce writing pieces in various genres, demonstrating understanding and application of detailed and complex language.  Currently, one writing piece will be submitted to the SQA in March of the presentation year.  

Learners will participate in a group discussion or perform a solo talk. This is assessed on a pass/fail basis and results are submitted to the SQA before presentation

Course Assessment

Candidates have to pass the outcomes for each Unit detailed above before progressing to the external exam.


Paper 1: Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation (1 hour and 30 minutes)

Paper 2:  Critical Reading (1 hour and 30 minutes)


A portfolio is submitted to the SQA before the final examination. It currently contains one piece of extended writing that is broadly creative or broadly discursive. 

N.B. In previous years, two portfolio pieces have been required. 

SCQF level 6 Units: communication NC & literature 1 

It is recommended that learners entering this course achieve a pass in both SCQF Level 5 Units or a pass at National 5 English. 

Aims of the Course

To develop learners' confidence and skills in Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening and to be able to apply these skills in unfamiliar contexts.

Course Content

Learners will study literature, language and media. Learners will be taught how to plan and write literature essays in preparation for the final assessment, and will learn how to analyse written texts – both fiction and non-fiction.

Learners will produce writing pieces in various genres. Learners will participate in a group discussion and perform a solo talk.

There is no exam for this course. It is designed to offer students who have either achieved National 5 by the end of S4 or S5 an alternative qualification to Higher English. The units are assessed on a pass/fail basis and results are submitted to the SQA. 

This course also provides excellent preparation for Higher English in S6, for those who have achieved a C at National 5 in S4. Passing both Level 6 Units is the equivalent of a C pass at Higher for entrance to college and some universities.

Course Assessment (all in-class)

Unit 1: Literature 1

Unit 2: Communication NC

SCQF Level 7

Post-Higher Provision:  Advanced Higher English

It is recommended that learners entering this course achieve an A, B, or C at Higher English. 

Aims of the Course

To explore a wide range of literature, to develop independent critical skills, and to write sophisticated pieces in a variety of genres.

Course Content

The Advanced Higher course will provide learners with opportunities to extend and refine their analysis and evaluation skills through the study of a range of complex and sophisticated texts in different literary genres and through research into an aspect of literature.

Furthermore, it will provide learners with the opportunity to extend and refine their writing skills though the production of a wide range of writing in different genres.

In addition, candidates will produce a portfolio to be submitted to the SQA for external assessment.

Course Assessment


Paper 1: Literary Study

Paper 2: Textual Analysis  


A portfolio, currently comprising two pieces, is submitted to the SQA. It currently contains one dissertation and one piece of extended writing from a choice of genres. The portfolio is worth 60 marks (60% of the final grade).  

N.B. In previous years, the extended writing portfolio has required two pieces from a choice of genres.