Making your choices - PLANNING AND HELP

How do I fill in the course choice form?  It looks quite complicated!

Our course choice form is unique. Unlike the “column” structure forms parents and carers will have experienced in their own schooling our students have a free choice of subjects to ensure maximum satisfaction.  Long gone are the days when two desired subjects appeared in one column and no desired subject was available in another.

We will carefully go through the process of filling in the course choice form at S4/5 and S3 course choice Options Events, and work with young people in PSE classes to ensure they understand the possibilities.

The big difference with our course choice form is that good conversation is required to try and work out what the future holds beyond next year.  Students and their families are required to physically map out intended progress through the Senior Phase.  A section of the Course Choice form can be seen later.

What if I make the wrong choices?

We work very hard with students and families to plan out a tailored Senior Phase programme that best meet the needs of an individual student. However, from time to time, students will need to change their courses.

If students wish to make course choice changes between Easter and summer, after the initial hand-in date, they can. However, some courses may be full by that point.

Students sometimes change courses because of examination results.  Occasionally, students can change courses for reasons other than examination results after the summer holiday. After August, however, there is a very narrow window for making changes in choices because once courses are underway there will quickly be too much work for students to catch up on. 

Availability of Courses

Please note that final provision of all classes is dependent on availability of staffing, accommodation and the interest of sufficient numbers of students.

Our Senior Phase Choice Form 

Final course choice forms will be distributed to students and families week beginning 28 February for S3 students to be returned by Friday 25 March and S4&5 will receive their forms week beginning 14 March to be returned by Monday 4 April. Our Course Choice form requires students to plan out their pathway in each subject, ensuring that good, well understood choices can be made.

Course Choice Form 2022

Further Information