InfoRMATION for S4 students

Do I need to make choices at the end of S4?

Students who have achieved a level at the end of S4, likely National 4 or National 5, will need to consider next steps for S5.

Is school still right for you?

The decision to return to S5 after reaching the statutory leaving age is one that calls for a mature and committed attitude to work.  Students wishing to return to school to continue voluntary study beyond S4 are expected to have demonstrated in previous years that they are capable of benefiting from the programmes that the school can offer.

Students who must return to S5

Some students, whose sixteenth birthday falls after 30th September, will be obliged to continue their education, regardless of their own wishes.  For these students there are three main options:

Recommended previous experience

In our “Courses available” section of the website, each Higher or Advanced Higher subject entry describes the previous experience that is likely to be necessary in order to successfully complete a particular course.  Where a Curricular Area has suggested that more than a simple pass at a previous NQ level is required this will be based on SQA statistical analysis identifying likely success rates.  In some circumstances this recommended experience may be waived to accommodate individual student requirements.

Are entry requirements different for different subjects at the same level?

In general, passing a subject at one level opens up the possibility of studying a subject at the next level.  However, there are some important subject differences, which reflect student likelihood of passing at a particular level.  For example, in one subject a “C” pass at National 5 might make it appropriate to subsequently study Higher, because the chances of success are high, whereas in another subject a “C” pass at National 5 might leave open only a very small prospect of success at Higher level.  This explains why entry requirements are different for some subjects within our SQA choices website.

Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

The Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is available to 16 year olds and also subsequent years (S5/6) who show reasonable promise of successfully completing a sound programme of study.

If you are 16 years of age or over before 30 September 2024 you may be eligible for an EMA from the beginning of the school term (August 2024).   If you are 16 years of age between 1 October 2024 and 28 February 2025, you may be eligible for an EMA from January 2025.

For those eligible for full year award, if the application is not submitted by 30 September 2024, the award can only be made from the week it is received by the Local Authority.  For those eligible from January 2025 the application must be submitted by 28 February 2025.  The cut-off date for processing application forms for the academic year 2024/25 is 31 March 2025. No applications will be processed after this date.

Award holders are expected to attend school throughout the standard school session.   For all eligible students they must complete at least 21 hours per week of timetabled study.  Eligibility depends on the family’s income.  Household income is assessed on gross taxable household income for the period April 2023 – March 2024.

Current income thresholds are:

£0 - £24,421 – for households with one dependent child - £30

£0 - £26,884 – for households with more than one dependent child - £30

Over £26,884 – Nil Award

The EMA is a weekly based payment paid directly to the student every fortnight.   The threshold and allowance figures may be subject to change. The Scottish Government reserves the right to review the EMA programme at any time.  

You can find out more about the EMA in East Lothian on the council website:

An application form can be found at:

More information is available from 

How do I work out the right learning pathway through such a broad curriculum?

The general guidance on learning pathways can be found on the learning pathways page. There are many possible “pathways” through our curriculum and the diagram below outlines the choices that must be made by S4 students moving into S5