Art and Design

Progression Pathway

The diagram below shows the progression pathways in Art and Design.

Expressive Arts (Art, Drama and Music)

SCQF Level 3/4/5

Subject: Art and Design National 3/4 and SCQF units at levels 3/4/5

Course Aims

The aim of the course is to provide a broad practical experience of art and design.  Learners will have the opportunity to use a variety of art materials, techniques and processes to express their thoughts, observations and feelings and to solve problems through design. 

Pupils are encouraged through personalisation and choice to develop creativity; problem solving and independent thinking.

Course Content

The course contains three activities:

Expressive Activity

Pupils are supported to express a point of view or feeling by using art materials to create outcomes which reflect the learner’s choices, thoughts and experiences in response to a theme.

The pupils will improve and develop a range of skills, awareness of processes and the working methods of contemporary and historical artists.

Design Activity

Working from a design brief, pupils will use similar methods to professional designers.  They will learn to analyse the needs of the end user and to provide appropriate and practical solutions to the given problem.

Critical Activity

Pupils will learn to respond to artists’ and designers’ work through discussion, analysis, evaluation and reflection.  They will be required to form opinions and express their personal views using appropriate terminology.

Course Assessment

At the end of the course the learners present a sequenced folio of work which is checked against evidence requirements set by SQA.  The learner is deemed to have passed or failed the course at this point. The folio is assessed using SQA standards by Preston Lodge HS art staff.  There is no written or formal external exam for this level.

SCQF Level 5

Subject: Art and Design National 5

Recommended previous experience: National 4 Art & Design; Completed S3 Art & Design core course; National 4 English

Course Aims

The aim of the course is to provide an in-depth and more personalised experience of art and design.  Learners will have the opportunity to use a variety of art materials, techniques and processes to express their thoughts, observations and feelings and to solve problems through design.  They will be taught several new techniques which they can then tailor to their own interests and outcomes.  Pupils are encouraged through personalisation and choice to develop creativity; problem solving and independent thinking.  They will be encouraged to understand the social and cultural impact of art and design in historical and contemporary practice.  The National 5 course structure is set by the SQA and requires pupils to work to deadlines and challenges their organisation, focus and pace.

Course Content

The course contains three activities:

Expressive Activity

Pupils are supported to express a point of view or feeling by using art materials to create outcomes which reflect the learner’s choices, thoughts and experiences in response to a theme.

The pupils will improve and develop a range of skills, awareness of processes and the working methods of contemporary and historical artists.

Design Activity

Working from a design brief, pupils will use similar methods to professional designers and work in a studio style environment.  They will learn to follow the design process and analyse the needs of the end user in order to provide appropriate and practical solutions to the given problem.  Their creativity will be demonstrated by their resourceful use of available materials.

Critical Activity

Pupils will learn to respond to artists’ and designers’ work through discussion, analysis, evaluation and reflection.  Homework is expected to be completed to assess pupils’ understanding and literacy skills.  They will be required to form opinions and express their personal views using appropriate terminology.  Pupils will learn to analyse images and objects through writing in class in essay format.

Course Assessment

At the end of the course the learners present two sequenced folios of work which are checked against evidence requirements set by SQA.  The folios are externally assessed by the exam board.  There is a written prelim and exam for this level.

Marks:  Expressive Activity 100, Design Activity 100 and Written Exam 50

Subject: NPA Photography

Recommended previous experience: SCQF Level 4/5

Aims of the Course

Course Content

Understanding Photography 

Photographing People 

Photographing Places 

Working with Photographs 

General Comments

This course is essential for those who wish to consider photography at a Higher level.  Students do not have to have their own camera to access this course. Please be aware, there is a substantial written element to this course which must be completed to pass. Students must be able to work indipendently and will be required to undertake work in their own time outside the school.

SCQF Level 6

Subject: Art and Design HIGHER

Recommended previous experience: National 5 Art and Design; National 5 English

Aims of the Course

Art and Design promotes aesthetic understanding, visual awareness, knowledge and appreciation. It encourages students to use a range of media to understand, appreciate and respond to their world in a creative way.   It promotes imagination, innovation and enterprise, and encourages self-reliance, resourcefulness, resilience, initiative, problem solving and the development of personal opinions.

Course Content

The course contains three activities:

Design Activity

Devise a personalised, commercial design brief.

Investigate and gather knowledge and appropriate skills.

Identify possibilities and problems and consider appropriate solutions.

Follow the design process through a single line of enquiry.

Present a final outcome.

Evaluate the process and outcome.

Expressive Activity

Identify a theme or area of personal interest. 

Investigate subject matter, media-handling and concepts.

Experiment with materials and composition ideas through workshops.

Follow a process through a single line of enquiry.

Produce a finished piece in response to personal theme/title.

Critical Activity

Pupils will learn to respond to artists’ and designers’ work through discussion, analysis, evaluation and reflection.  Homework is expected to be completed to assess pupils’ understanding and literacy skills.  They will be required to form opinions and express their personal views using appropriate terminology.  Pupils will learn to analyse images and objects through writing in class in essay format.

Course Assessment

At the end of the course the learners present two sequenced folios of work which are checked against evidence requirements set by SQA.  The folios are externally assessed by the exam board.  There is a written prelim and exam for this level.

Marks:  Expressive Activity 100, Design Activity 100 and Written Exam 60

SCQF Level 7

Subject: Post Higher Provision - Art and Design Advanced Higher

Recommended previous experience: Higher Art and Design A or B or by consultation with Art staff

Aims of the Course

Art and Design promotes aesthetic understanding, visual awareness, knowledge and appreciation.  It encourages students to use a range of media to understand, appreciate and respond to their world in a creative way.   It promotes imagination, innovation and enterprise, and encourages self-reliance, resourcefulness, resilience, initiative, problem solving and the development of personal opinions.  At Advanced Higher level pupils must be able to drive their own ideas and work self-sufficiently in a studio-based environment.  They will have guidance and be facilitated by art staff however are required to be independent in their ideas and production of work.

Course Content

Pupils choose one discipline from two options: expressive or design folio.  They are expected to produce between 8 and 16 A1 sheets of work to be submitted for assessment.  They will work in a wide variety of media and are encouraged to use sketchbooks for personal planning and collecting ideas.  Larger scale work is encouraged.  

Pupils must also complete a contextual analysis: a piece of written work (max. 2000 words) on a chosen practitioner.  Pupils will also evaluate their own folios.

Course Assessment

100 marks in total – 64 for practical folio work, 6 for evaluation, 30 for contextual analysis.

All work is externally assessed.

General Comments

Creativity is the focus, as is communicating thoughts and ideas using a range of techniques.

Pupils are encouraged to research art in context to their theme e.g. by looking at the way other artists do things to get ideas.  They can look beyond visual artists e.g. photographers, writers and musicians.  They should also consider how artists make their work – what drives them, where they get ideas, how they turn that idea into something personal that communicates with a viewer.  

Pupils will be given guidance and deadlines to follow.  Pupils should be spending at least ten hours a week on Advanced Higher course work.

Subject: Post Higher Provision - Portfolio Art Studies

Recommended previous experience: By negotiation with the Art & Design department. Usually Higher Art and Design Grade A, B or C.

Aims of the Course

To build a portfolio of work for entrance to colleges of Art, and Art based careers in general which require practical evidence of student’s ability.

Course Content

A holistic approach to the student, building on strength and our knowledge of the further education requirements in the subject.  Students often naturally evolve towards Advanced Higher.

Course Assessment

Continuous and internal.

General Comments

This is an exam free course designed to extend the range of skills and subject matter offering the student a range of art activities under the guidance of the art staff.  This is a course for students building a portfolio for entrance to colleges of art, further education and art based careers in general.

Students should expect to devote as much available time as possible to the portfolio as college entry is uniquely based on the quality of work and evidence of development shown.  Good Higher certificates will get the application accepted by a college.   A good portfolio is essential for entry; the practical work is the real evidence of ability.