Modern Studies

Progression Pathways

The diagram below shows the progression pathways in this subject:

Senior Phase Modern Studies

National Modern Studies

SCQF Level 4/5

Subject: National 4/5 Modern Studies

Aims of the Course

The purpose of Modern Studies is to develop the learners’ understanding of the world around them. By studying this course students will develop their knowledge of contemporary issues, world events and the people related to them. In doing so, students also gain a variety of skills including the ability to analyse, debate, research and critically examine differing points of view and in doing so encouraging them to become global citizens.

Course Content

Unit 1: Social Issues in the UK – Crime and the Law: Through the study of individual case studies, news reports, debates and documentaries students focus on different types of crime, understanding the reasons for crime and the systems that are put in place to tackle crime such as the police, the court system, sentences such as prison, and government laws and campaigns. 

Unit 2: World Power – USA: As the USA is one of the UK’s closest allies students learn about the impact the country has around the world through their military, culture and political decisions. Students will also learn about the American political system and the inequalities that exist in relation to poverty, education, gun crime, and healthcare.

Unit 3: Democracy in Scotland: This unit focuses on the political decision making processes in Scotland and our role in it. This includes understanding the powers of the government and the First Minister, the role of MSPs, the purpose of protests, and the role of the media.

Course Assessment

As well as completing unit assessments throughout National 4 learners are required to research a Modern Studies related topic of their choice. National 5 students will also be required to complete  research for their assignment which is worth 20% of their overall mark as well as sitting a final SQA exam at the end of the course.

SCQF Level 6

Subject: Higher MODERN STUDIES

Recommended previous experience:  this course is a natural progression from National 5 Modern Studies, but it is not essential to have National 5 to complete this course. Students are, however, required to have a National 5 qualification in either History, Geography, RMPS or English. 

Aims of the Course

Modern Studies, unique to the Scottish curriculum, is the study of social, political and economic issues locally, nationally and around the world. It has traditionally been associated with politics, however students will learn that this subject is so much more by encompassing the principles and skills of subjects such as Economics and Sociology to name a few. By thoroughly analysing the world around us students are given the tools to become fully equipped for life, work and/or study after school.

Course Content

Unit 1: Democracy in the United Kingdom: this unit allows students to gain an in-depth understanding of the political structures in the UK and the impact it has on individuals.  While studying these topics students will be able to participate in ongoing debates about the nature of the representative democracy in the UK, the powers of the PM, the impact of voting systems and the range of factors which affect voting behaviour in the UK.

Unit 2: Social Issues in the United Kingdom – Crime and the Law: this unit focuses on the nature of social inequality in the United Kingdom – in this case crime and the law. Students are provided with the opportunity to learn about the theories and causes of crime, the impact of crime on specific groups in society and the attempts to tackle crime and their effectiveness.

Unit 3: International Issues – World Power: USA: although one of the richest countries in the world, the USA also has the largest rates of economic inequality, poverty and division. This unit analyses the reasons for this and the political decision making behind it all.

Course Assessment

In addition to the final exam which is worth 80 marks, learners are required to complete an independent piece of research which is worth 30 marks of the overall grade.

SCQF Level 7

Subject: Advanced Higher Modern Studies

Recommended previous experience: students are required to pass Higher Modern Studies prior to studying this course. 

Aims of the Course

The purpose of this course is to develop learners’ knowledge, understanding and awareness of contemporary political and social issues. This is achieved through the study of criminal behaviour, the responses to it and how they compares internationally. Additionally, students examine various research methods used in studying crime and will complete a dissertation on a topic of their choice.

The students will also be given the opportunity to conduct research by visiting a local prison.

Course Content

Unit 1: Contemporary Issues: the study of criminal behaviour forms the basis for this unit and feeds into the second unit of the course too. Understanding why a person commits crime allows society to understand how they should be punished and/or rehabilitated, however this can vary throughout the world. Students therefore analyse and compare the treatment of criminals internationally.

Unit 2: Researching Contemporary Issues: research is a fundamental skill in Modern Studies and throughout this unit students learn about the qualitative and quantitative methods used by social scientists to gather reliable data. This forms the basis for their dissertation which is an independent piece of research on a topic of their choice relating to crime. Students are also assessed on their ability to recognise the trustworthiness of a source – a vital skill in the era of fake news.

Course Assessment

The Advanced Higher Modern Studies course is assessed through a final exam which is made up of questions relating to the crime and the law, research methods and source evaluation which are worth 90 marks in total. The dissertation is completed throughout the year and is worth 50 marks of the overall grade.