Zombie Plan Wrap-Up Reflection Assessment

What Is Your Battle Plan?

Battling zombies is not an easy task.  It is one that requires understanding the standards, planning for battle, selecting the proper strategies, activities, and materials, assessing your progress, and reflecting on your progress and the possibilities for improvement of both the plans and the students.  

This PLM provided you with a few strategies to begin your plan of attack.  After completing the different sections of this PLM, what are your thoughts?  How are they different from where you started this journey?  

Mind frame three discussed the need for teachers to talk and collaborate about their classrooms.  Battling zombies is not a fight that teachers have to do in isolation.  

Zombie Survival Guide

Your last survival guide activity will require you to look at your first entry into this notebook.  Think about that entry and how you felt about your classroom prior to working through this PLM.  In the Zombie Challenge, you wrote down ways that students exhibit disengagement. In your  Survival Notebook, choose two of the ways that students exhibit disengagement and list two strategies in this PLM that will help to fight the Zombie burnout in students.   

Creating Your Zombie Battle Plan Goal

Congratulations!  You have just set your professional goal!  You have a goal, next steps, and an action plan.  If you have a coach at your school, you can share the goal with your coach.  If you do not have a coach, consider sharing the goal with your department chair or a partner teacher.  Support and collaboration are needed to make your goal a reality.  Armed with your goal and the new information that you have gained, you are ready to end the zombie issue in your classroom!