Vocabulary Development 


Read the information on this page and then complete the Zombie Survival Guide Activity located at the bottom of the page.  

Vocabulary Development 

Students need to develop their vocabulary during classroom instruction.  There are three different types of vocabulary that teachers must consider when planning and presenting instruction to students. 

Three Types of Vocabulary

High School English Content Vocabulary Examples

character, setting, characterization, theme, protagonist, antagonist, active voice, passive voice, primary source, secondary source, thesis, paraphrase, citation

High School English Academic Vocabulary Examples

analyze, acquire, categories, clarify, coherent, comprehension, conclude

A high school should teacher should teach a total of 6-7 new words per lesson. 

Visible Learning: The Sequel

A Synthesis of Over 2,100 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement

Vocabulary Instruction

John Hattie's research supported the claim that students need to be provided with vocabulary support to develop the skills needed to excel in both reading and writing.  Students need to be provided with examples before, during and after instruction to help the vocabulary of the lesson be a part of the student's known vocabulary.  

Zombie Survival Guide 

In your Zombie Survival Guide, located the vocabulary development section.  Create a list of the common vocabulary terms that you use in your classroom.