Mind Frame 2


Read about Mind Frame 2.  After you have read about the mind frame, complete the activity at the bottom of the page in your Zombie Survival Guide.  

Mind Frame 2:  Teachers believe that success and failure in student learning is about what they, as teachers, did or did not do...We are change agents! 

Key Question:  How are you a change agent working with others knowing that you are truly significant in every student's life? 

Guiding Questions:  How does my classroom reflect the belief that all students can learn? How do I support all learners in my classroom?  How do I set high expectations for all learners?  

The greatest impact on student learning relates to the teacher's mindset.  Teachers need to have positive beliefs about the children in their classrooms.  The role of the teacher is to change students from what they are to what we want them to be and what we want them to understand.  To achieve this, teachers need to create scaffolded tasks that have supports in place as learners work to reach the objectives and explain their own ideas.  Students need teachers who provide feedback, worked examples, scaffolding, and redirection as needed.  Teachers are the main change agent and must activate the learning to enhance student mastery.   

  Positive Beliefs that Teachers Need to Have About Their Students

Visible Learning: The Sequel

A Synthesis of Over 2,100 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement

Teacher Efficacy

Hattie's 2023 meta-analysis study relating to achievement stated that teachers' beliefs about the impact of their teaching in the classroom had a very strong connection to the achievement of the students in that classroom. If the teacher believes that they are the agent for change in their classroom, their students will have a higher level of achievement than teachers who do not believe that they are the most important factor in their students' success.  

Teacher Estimates of achievement

Hattie's study stated teachers' estimates of their students' achievement levels had a strong impact on the level of mastery the students had with grade level content.  When teachers believe that their students are able to learn and master content, the students do learn and master the content.  It is the teachers' beliefs in the students' abilities that impact the achievement level of the class.  

Labeling Students

The study also found a correlation between the achievement levels in classrooms that did not place labels on the students.  Students who were not labeled by teachers had a greater level of achievement than students who were given labels in classrooms.  

Teacher Credibility

The study also revealed that the belief that the students had in their teacher also impacted their success. If the students believed that the teacher was capable and willing to teach them, their achievement levels increased.  

Zombie Survival Guide 

Open your survival guide and find the Mind Frames Reflection area.  

Write the one word that you would use to describe Mind Frame 2.