Check for Understanding with Tapple

Checking for understanding drives instruction as the teacher knows when to reteach or when to continue moving forward with content.  If students are not mastering the content, the teacher needs to make key decisions on how to move forward with the next phase of instruction.  TAPPLE is a way for teachers to vary the ways that they are checking for understanding during their lesson. 

How to Use TAPPLE in Every Lesson

Teach!!!!! You first have to teach before checking for understanding.

Question!!! Make sure questions require students to explain their understanding and not just restate content.

Pair-Share!!! Have students pair with a partner and share answers. 

Pick a Non-Volunteer!!! Do not always pick the students with hands raised. Select different students.

Listen to the Response!!! Student responses help with decisions about instruction.

Effective Feedback!!! Echo, Elaborate, and Explain (Hollingsworth & Ybarra, 2018) Restate the student response, add to the student response, and reteach when student responses are not adequate.

Visible Learning: The Sequel

A Synthesis of Over 2,100 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement


Questioning students about the content and skills they are learning is very common in the secondary classroom.  Teachers use questioning to engage students in the classroom discussion.  Intentionally planned questions can have a positive impact on student achievement.  

Tapple Zombie Notebook Reflection

After you have reviewed the information about TAPPLE and watched the video, return to your copy of the Zombie Notebook and reflect on the following questions. Which one of the methods of checking for understanding listed in TAPPLE do you implement successfully in your classroom and what is the evidence of that successful implementation? What is one of the methods that you need to work on as a practitioner and why?