Mind Frame 8


Read about Mind Frame 8.  After you have read about the mind frame, complete the activity at the bottom of the page in your Zombie Survival Guide.  

Mind Frame 8:  Teachers inform all about the language of learning. 

Key Question:  How do you share with others the learning that is happening in your classroom?  

Guiding Questions:  How do you share learning expectations with parents?  How often do you communicate the learning goals and progress with the parents of the students in your room?  Do the parents understand the learning expectations?  

Parents who know the expectations and goals of the classroom are able to have conversations about learning with their children.  The children of parents with this knowledge and understanding have a higher percentage of mastery of course objectives and learning targets.  Parents are able to have productive, informed conversations with the children and monitor academic progress when children are at home.  

Parent/Guardian Communication 

Visible Learning: The Sequel

A Synthesis of Over 2,100 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement

Parental involvement 

The study found that the most powerful form of parent involvement came from tutoring, home visits, and interactions with teachers. Teachers and parents need to talk about homework expectations, classroom expectations, and learning targets. Parents need to be able to have conversations with their students about the classroom and how they are working to meet the learning targets. Parents must know how to monitor the progress of their children to help their children reach the highest levels of success. 

Parental expectations 

Parental expectations were shown to have a strong impact on the achievement of the student. The social economic status and the prior achievement of the student did not have an impact on the expectations of the parent. If parents believed in their child and held their child accountable, the children were successful. Teachers need to partner with the parent to set the classroom and learning expectations for the students.  

Zombie Survival Guide 

Open your survival guide and find the Mind Frames Reflection area.  

Write the one word that you would use to describe Mind Frame 8.