The Writing Workshop for High School 


Read the information on The Writing Workshop and watch all of the following videos.  Complete The Writing Workshop Reflection Questions in your Zombie Survival Guide when you have completed the videos and the reading.  

The Writing Workshop

Reading and writing are the central focus of an English Language Arts classroom.  Teachers need to provide supports to the students in both areas.  The writing workshop is one way to help support the students in the classroom.  

Teachers need to plan to engage with students in writing conferences as part of the instructional process.  The videos below provide direction on why teachers need to include writing conferences and a clear example of a secondary writing conference.  

Why Writing Conferences

Writing Conference


Read the PDF article below. The article below provides information on the different types of writing conferences and the power of feedback that is provided during these conferences.  It is important to remember that praise is very different from specific feedback related to content.  

Writing Conferences_ The Power of a Teachers Feedback.pdf

Visible Learning: The Sequel

A Synthesis of Over 2,100 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement

Writing Conferences with feedback

John Hattie's research provided addtional insight into the value of teachers and students working together.  When students have the support and feedback from an expert, their achievement level increases.  A writing conference is one way that English Language Arts teachers can provide this opportunity to the students in their classrooms. 

Zombie Survival Guide 

Locate the Writing Workshop section in your Zombie Survival Guide and answer the following question. 

How could you use a writing workshop to increase student engagement and achievement in your classroom?