Personalized Student Engagement Norms

Student Engagement Norm 1: Pronounce with Me

Definition: The teacher pronounces difficult words for students as the students are looking at the word. The teacher then has the students repeat the word chorally. Extension: Have students say the word to a partner. 

Student Engagement Norm 2: Track with Me

Definition: The teacher reads the text to the students. While the teacher is reading, the students are physically looking at the text and tracking the words with their finger, a bookmark, etc. 

Student Engagement Norm 3: Read with Me

Definition: The teacher has the students read chorally the text that he/she has just read to the students.  

Variations: Full Tracked Reading-Teacher reads, then students read together. Pre-Pronounce Difficult Words only, then Read Chorally-Teacher only pronounces difficult words before having students read the text chorally. Choral Read Only- When a text is easy to read, students read the text together without the teacher first reading the text. 

Student Engagement Norm 4: Gesture with Me

Definition: The teacher shows a gesture that helps teach a concept or skill. After the teacher demonstrates the gesture, then the students repeat the gesture. Extend: Check for understanding -have students pair-share, call on random non-volunteers to use the gesture while explaining the meaning. 

Student Engagement Norm 5: Pair-Share

Definition: Have students explain something to their partners. Focus on higher-order thinking where students have to come up with their own information, not restate information. Techniques:  Label partners- Have an A partner and a B partner, Strategic Partners-Carefully choose which students will be matched. Rotate Partners-Change up the partners. 

Student Engagement Norm 6: Attention Signal

Definition: The teacher uses some type of signal to direct students' attention back to the teacher. Signal ideas: bells, claps, statements. 

Student Engagement Norm 7: Whiteboards

Definition: Have students answer questions on whiteboards for a quick complete student engagement activity. Commands: Chin-it, Park your boards  

Student Engagement Norm 8: Use Complete Sentences (Public Voice, Academic Vocabulary)

Directions: Have students answer in complete sentences, using academic vocabulary. 

Variations: Can be used with pair-share and whiteboards