Mind Frame 6


Read about Mind Frame 6.  After you have read about the mind frame, complete the activity at the bottom of the page in your Zombie Survival Guide.  

Mind Frame 6:  Teachers enjoy the challenge and never retreat to "doing their best."

Key Question:  How do you know that you and your students are in the learning zone and not in the comfort zone?  

Guiding Questions:  How do you communicate what success will look like to students?  How do you plan for all students to be able to participate in the learning?  What does an engaged, on task classroom sound like?  What does it look like?  

It is the role of the teacher to determine how to engage students in the challenge of learning.  Learning intentions and criteria have to be set and presented in a way that students can understand these expectations.  Students must be able to see that the challenge is critical to their success in learning.  

Questions to Guide a Learning Challenge

Visible Learning: The Sequel

A Synthesis of Over 2,100 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement

Professional Development 

Teachers must have a growth mindset.  Teachers know that the art of teaching is a process of continual learning.  Teachers participate and work towards professional growth goals to increase their knowledge of their craft.  

Zombie Survival Guide 

Open your survival guide and find the Mind Frames Reflection area.  

Write the one word that you would use to describe Mind Frame 6.