Mind Frame 7


Read about Mind Frame 7.  After you have read about the mind frame, complete the activity at the bottom of the page in your Zombie Survival Guide.  

Mind Frame 7:  Teachers believe that it is their role to develop positive relationships in classrooms. 

Key Question:  How do you build a safe and fair environment so that students can make errors, learn from others' mistakes, and move into the challenge zone of learning?  

It is the teacher who sets the climate in the classroom.  This climate needs to allow and support students to allow them to learn by making mistakes.  It is okay for students to not understand a concept or strategy.  It is the teacher's role to help students with misconceptions, misunderstandings, and a lack of knowledge.  

Is the climate in your classroom fair, empathetic, and trustworthy to allow...

Visible Learning: The Sequel

A Synthesis of Over 2,100 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement

Teacher and Student relationships

John Hattie's research also confirmed a positive teacher and student relationship has a positive impact on student achievement.  These classes reported having few resistant behaviors, student-centered learning activities, and collaboration in the classrooms. 

Zombie Survival Guide 

Open your survival guide and find the Mind Frames Reflection area.  

Write the one word that you would use to describe Mind Frame 7.