Reading Strategies

The Why

Reading for the Gist

Marking the Text as a Content expert

Visible Learning: The Sequel

A Synthesis of Over 2,100 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement

Reading Strategies

Students need reading strategies to learn how to manage higher level texts.  Reading strategies support the reader while allowing them to move to independence.  Students of all ages and level benefit from reading strategies.  

Exposure to Reading

Students also need to be exposed to a variety of texts thoughout their educational career.  Teachers need to plan to have students read a variety of texts in different settings to allow them to practice the reading strategies, so they will know how to approach a text at the independent level.  

Zombie Survival Guide 

Locate the Reading Strategies section in your Zombie Survival Guide and complete the following entry. 

How could you incorporate more reading strategies into your lessons to help support your struggling readers?