Mind Frame 4


Read about Mind Frame 4.  After you have read about the mind frame, complete the activity at the bottom of the page in your Zombie Survival Guide.  

Mind Frame 4:  Teachers see assessment as feedback about their impact. 

Key Question:  How am I using assessment information to progress student achievement and to help me plan for next teaching steps?

Guiding Questions: Why am I giving this assessment?  What knowledge will this assessment provide about my students?  How will this assessment help me to determine what my students need to do next?  What skills and strategies do I expect my students will use on this assessment? 

Teachers need feedback to determine the effects their teaching has had on each of their students.  Teachers need to view assessments as a chance for students to provide feedback to the teacher on the lessons, strategies, and activities they have been completing in the classroom.  Teachers need to see this feedback as a chance for them to grow as professionals and not as a judgement of what they did or did not do in the classroom. 

Teacher Assessment Feedback Reflection Questions 

Visible Learning: The Sequel

A Synthesis of Over 2,100 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement

Cognitive Task Analysis

When planning an assessment, teachers need to look at the rigor of the assessment.  They need to consider what they wanted the students to learn and to what level they wanted them to be able to use the skills and strategies that they had taught.  It is by this level of planning and reflection that teachers will see student achievement grow.  

Zombie Survival Guide 

Open your survival guide and find the Mind Frames Reflection area.  

Write the one word that you would use to describe Mind Frame 4.