Links and Resources

NYT Upfront

Scholastic Art

Scholastic Math

Scholastic Science World


English Curriculum

All Databases

LGBTQA Resources

Research and Citation Basics

Copyright and Fair Use

Fake News and Media Literacy

Tutorials - Google, Adobe, Gale, etc.

Tools - Surveys, QR Codes, etc.

School Links -

Community Links - Chic Public Lib

Freebies - Museum info

Adobe Voice / Spark Video Archive

Boston Public Library e-card

As a Massachusetts Resident, you are eligible to sign up for a Boston Public Library e-card; this will give you online access to many scholarly and academic works.

As a bonus, your BPL e-card also gives you free access to e-magazines, e-books, e-audiobooks, streaming video and streaming music. What are you waiting for? Sign-up today!

Test Prep - SAT, ACT, ASVAB - CHICOPEE clic

Community Portal [SchoolBrains]

Check your Google email for your Username and Password, or see Ms. Tarr for help getting your password reset.

Library Catalog

Looking for a book in the library? Start here or ask Ms. Tarr.

Time "Wasters"

Games, Videos and Crowd-Sourced Digitization

Ancient Lives - Transcribe fragments of papyrus to help archaeologists create whole documents.

Bat Detective - Identify and classify audio recordings of bats.

Cell Slider - Identify slide samples of cancer cells to help find a cure!

Citizen Archivist - Help transcribe documents held at the National Archives.

Cyclone Center - Identify and classify images of storms to help create a global database.

DIY History - Transcribe a variety of printed material, from Civil War diaries to historic cookbooks.

Family Search Indexing - Transcribe a variety of records for genealogical research.

Folding @ Home - Use your computer's downtime to "fold" proteins; helping scientists fight Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and more.

Galaxy Zoo - Identify and classify images of galaxies taken by the Hubble telescope.

Great Lakes Archive - Transcribe ship and accident lists from the Great Lakes.

The Milky Way Project - Identify and classify infrared images taken by the Spitzer Telescope.

Moon Zoo - Identify and classify images of the moons surface.

Old Weather - Transcribe old ship's logs to help track climate and weather patterns.

Planet Four - Help find weather patterns on Mars by identifying images of drifting dunes and ice.

Planet Hunters - Find new planets by examining pictures of far away stars.

Sea Floor Explorer - Help identify the animals and features in thousands of photographs taken on the ocean bottom.

Snapshot Serengeti - Help identify wildlife caught by "camera traps."

Solar StormWatch -

Transcribe Bentham - Help transcribe the papers of philosopher-scientist Jeremy Bentham.

Transcribe Old Weather - Transcribe arctic ship's logs held at the National Archives.

Whale fm - Identify and classify whale calls.

What's on the Menu? - Help transcribe historic menus from New York City restaurants to create a culinary database.

You Can Tag It! - Add "tags" to images at the National Archives.

Reveal - Help match missing persons with unidentified remains.

Recovering the Classics - Redesign book covers for 100 classic books.

New York Public Library Building Inspector - Help label old maps of New York City!

A Google a Day Learn something new, while practicing your search skills.

Geoguesser How close can you guess where in the world these pictures were taken?

The WikiGame Find the shortest route between two Wikipedia articles.

TED Talks and Videos