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Postpartum Depression

I Know Exactly How to Pass the Postpartum Depression Quiz - opinion column/personal story

A Mother's Decision to Live - 4-minute video personal story from New York Times

Postpartum Dads - 1-minute video from New York Times

Battling Postpartum Depression - 2 -minute video from New York local news; personal story

"I Had Lost All Joy and Hope": My Personal Battle with PPD - Published in Newsweek in 2001, so references the Andrea Yates case

Postpartum Psychosis: Could it Happen to You? One Woman Tells of Her Terrifying Breakdown - Published in Redbook in 2001, so references the Andrea Yates case

Helping New Moms Emerge from Postpartum Depression - patient story from Mayo Clinic

What is Postpartum Depression? (2001, but short and readable - focus on differentiating it from postpartum psychosis, brief hormonal re-balancing, and generalized anxiety disorders)

Symptoms of Postpartum Depression Wide-Ranging (2013, short - a doctor discusses her personal experiences with PPD while giving a short speech about PPD and treatment/diagnosis)

Postpartum Depression from Gale Encyclopedia of Pregnancy and Childbirth - this is a more standard encyclopedia entry, but has nice headings, lists, and charts.

Postpartum Depression - overview from Mayo Clinic; includes one-minute video and a patient story

Postpartum Depression Facts - overview (longer) from National Institutes of Mental Health