Mass Culture in America 1880-1910


Students will work in pairs to create a 5 minute PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation about mass culture at the end of the 19th century (1800s).

Your presentation must be at least 5 minutes in length (approximately 8-10 slides) and will need to include bulleted information as well as images.

Although you will have information on the presentation, you will be required to expand on the information. To receive full credit you can't just read the slides.

Please keep in mind the following while you are preparing and researching:

  • Who, What, Where, When, Why and How!
  • Show and explain how the event you selected developed and changed during the time period (1880-1910)
  • Include information about where these activities were most popular and who participated
  • Be thorough - this will be a quiz grade!

Topics: (pages in textbook)

Baseball - p.480

Boxing - p. 480

Tennis - p.479

Advertising and Shopping - p. 484

Ashcan School - p. 471

George Eastman - p. 466

The Olympics

The Circus - p. 481

  • The Circus from American Eras
  • Circuses from The Encyclopedia of Leisure and Recreation in America
  • The Circus from The Encyclopedia of the United States in the Nineteenth Century

Amusement Parks - p. 478

Vaudeville - p. 481

Ragtime - p. 481

  • Ragtime from Dictionary of American History
  • Ragtime from African-American History and Culture

Silver Screen - p. 482

Mark Twain - p. 472

Wright Brothers - p. 465

Newspapers - p. 483


US History in Context

Includes full-text access to a variety of reference publications, such as American Decades, Civil Rights in the United States, and the Dictionary of American History. Includes primary source material, 6.9 million full-text articles from magazines and journals, image galleries, 6,700 video clips and 84,000 audio files. Clearly identifies and sorts results into "reference," "primary source," "news," etc. All articles include formatted citations.

Biography in Context

Biographies of 600,000 individuals, with 50,000 added each year.

Includes additional information through full-text access to reference books, newspapers, and journals. Articles may be bookmarked, printed or emailed, and all articles include formatted citations.

Academic OneFile

Includes full-text access to 7,500 peer-reviewed journals, in topics such as physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, education and literature. Includes full-text of the New York Times from 1985-present, and London Times from 1985-present. Includes full-text of 15 major reference works, such as Countries and Their Cultures, Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine, Gale Encyclopedia of Scienceand Encyclopedia of World Biography. All articles include formatted citations, and can be emailed, bookmarked or printed.