Night and The Holocaust

Overview Articles

"Night" from Literature and Its Times

"Introduction to the Holocaust" from the United States Holocaust Museum

"The Holocaust" from Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction

"Holocaust: A Pictorial History" from the Encyclopedia Judaica

NYT Daily 360 - Genocide's Legacy: Preserving Auschwitz (2 minute video)

NYT Upfront Holocaust Magazine (sign in with your school google account to view)

Adolf Hitler

What caused him to want to exterminate the Jewish population? What led him to become a dictator? What eventually happened to Hitler as WWII came to an end?

Nazi Party

How did they rise to power? What was their role in the Holocaust?

Concentration Camps

What were the different types of camps? What were the experiences in these camps?

Survivors of the Holocaust

What happened to the survivors of the concentration camps? Where did they go, what become of the rest of their lives, etc?

SS Officers / Nazis

What happened to them after WWII? Were they punished for their crimes, etc?

Liberation of the Concentration Camps

How were the camps finally liberated? Who freed the prisoners of the concentration camps? Why did it take so long for the camps to be liberated? (should look up individual camps by name)

Conditions of the Camps

How were women and men treated in the camps? What were the differences? How were children treated in the camps? (see also Ravensbruck (women) and Theresienstadt(children))

War Profiteering

How did the Nazi's make money from WWII?

Holocaust Resistance

What did people do to resist the Holocaust and the Nazis? Who was involved? What were their tactics and strategies (guerilla warfare vs. hiding Jews)? Were they successful? Was it individuals or organized groups of people?

Adolf Hitler

What caused him to want to exterminate the Jewish population? What led him to become a dictator? What eventually happened to Hitler as WWII came to an end?

Nazi Party

How did they rise to power? What was their role in the Holocaust?

Concentration Camps

What were the different types of camps? What were the experiences in these camps? (should look up individual camps)

Survivors of the Holocaust

What happened to the survivors of the concentration camps? Where did they go, what become of the rest of their lives, etc?

SS Officers / Nazis

What happened to them after WWII? Were they punished for their crimes, etc?

Liberation of the Concentration Camps

How were the camps finally liberated? Who freed the prisoners of the concentration camps? Why did it take so long for the camps to be liberated? (should look up individual camps by name)

Conditions of the Camps

How were women and men treated in the camps? What were the differences? How were children treated in the camps? (see also Ravensbruck and Theresienstadt)

War Profiteering

How did the Nazi's make money from WWII?

World History in Context

Includes full-text access to a variety of reference publications, such as Encyclopedia Judaica, Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Learning About the Holocaust, Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, and The World War Two Reference Library. Includes primary source material, 12.4 million full-text articles from magazines and journals, image galleries, 6,200 video clips and 83,000 audio files.Clearly identifies and sorts results into "reference," "primary source," "news," etc. All articles include citations.

Biography in Context

Biographies of 600,000 individuals, with 50,000 added each year.

Includes additional information through full-text access to reference books, newspapers, and journals. All articles include citations.

The Holocaust Chronicle

An 800-page searchable e-book, including over 1,800 images. It is arranged chronologically, with a separate chapter for each year (1933-1946).

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Includes a searchable Holocaust Encyclopedia (scroll down to browse popular topics), including

An overview of the Holocaust can be found on their Learning Site for Students.

Also look at their many themed online exhibits. Including exhibits on

Shoah Foundation online exhibits

Includes online exhibits on

Voices of the Holocaust

A BBC website that includes survivor testimony, basic information ("information cards"), as well as maps, statistics, timelines and more.

The Holocaust Explained

Created by the London Jewish Cultural Center, it includes a variety of general information as well as eyewitness testimonials.

The Holocaust

Created by Yad Vashem, the Israeli Holocaust Memorial Foundation. Includes and overview, as well as more in-depth information, exhibits, and primary source material.