Civil Rights Documentaries AP


Students will work in pairs to produce and present an informational video that will inform the class on one of the events from the Civil Rights Movement. Videos should be approximately 5 minutes in length, and include informational narration and images that will present the information in a concise and clear manner. Students will have to become familiar with the Spark Video [Adobe Voice] app on the iPads, research their topics, and write an original script.


Outline of topic from text - 15 points

Original script 4-5 minutes - 50 points

Documentary completion and presentation - 100 points


Outline readings that relate to your topic from the textbook. This will be the basis of your project and is key to developing your documentary. Continue research in the library with the sources below. Save information, images, etc. to your Google Drive and "share" to your partner. Write an original script that will be well-organized and identify pictures that will be used at each point in the script. Submit script for approval. Create your documentary using the Spark Video [Adobe Voice] app on the iPad and "share" to publish. Equal Work! Equal Credit!

Topics and Essential Questions:

Upon completion of presentations, students will be required to complete an essay question that is based upon their essential question.

  • Brown vs. Board of Education - How did Brown v. Board of Education effect public education in the South?
  • Little Rock Crisis - How did the Little Rock Crisis reflect opposition to integration?
  • March on Washington - What was the reason for the March on Washington? What was the key moment in the march?
  • Selma and the Voting Rights Act of 1969 - How did the Selma Campaign help to inspire the Voting Rights Act of 1965?
  • Black Power Movement - Who were some of the key leaders of the Black Power Movement and why was the movement so controversial?
  • S.C.L.C. and S.N.C.C. - Compare and contrast the S.C.L.C. and the S.N.C.C. .
  • Integration of Ole Miss - Was the integration of Ole Miss successful? What was the opposition?
  • Freedom Summer - What were the goals of the Freedom Summer Movement? How did white Southerners respond?
  • Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam - What were the basic racial beliefs held by Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam, and how did they differ from the main civil rights movement?
  • 1968 - Why is 1968 considered a turning point in American history?