Handmaid's Tale Video

The Novel

Handmaid's Tale from Literature and its Times (feminism, family, and religious fundamentalism)

Handmaid's Tale from Novels for Students (summary, characters, criticism)

Background Articles

Feminism Flounders from American Decades

Baby M and the New Reproductive Technologies from American Decades

Born Again: The Evangelical Movement from American Decades

Taliban from International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences

The 1980's

Environmentalism / Effects of pollution

  • Three Mile Island - 1979
  • Chernobyl -1986
  • Mt. St. Helens erupts - 1980

Social Movements / Politics

  • Conservatisism -
  • TV Evangelism - Jerry Falwell, Tammy Faye Baker
  • Conservatism - Equal Rights Amendment, New Right, Phyllis Schlafly, Pro-Family United, Concerned Women for America, Women United to Defend Existing Rights, and Citizens for God, Family and Country,
  • Censorship - Pro-Family movement - prayer in school, monitoring textbooks, schools teaching "secular humanism" (evolution),
  • Homosexuality -
  • Women's Rights - workplace, reproduction 1972 - first battered women's shelter, first rape crisis center. 1963 - Feminine Mystique (Atwood was 23), BC pill , 1973 - Roe v. Wade (abortionists killed in book),(jobs/bank accounts taken away in book), reproductive technologies (first test-tube baby 1978), surrogacy

International Events

  • Soviets
  • Afghanistan
  • Middle East

Pop Culture/Technology

  • Movies/TV/Music
  • Fashion
  • Technology





Pop Culture