World War II Documentaries


Students will work in pairs to produce and present an informational video that will inform the class on one of the events from World War II.

Videos should be approximately 3 minutes in length, and include informational narration and images that will present the information in a concise and clear manner.

Students will have to become familiar with the Spark Video [Adobe Voice] app on the iPads, research their topics, and write an original script.


  • Outline of topic from text - 15 points
  • Original script 2-3 minutes - 50 points
  • Documentary completion and presentation - 100 points


  1. Outline readings that relate to your topic from the textbook. This will be the basis of your project and is key to developing your documentary.
  2. Continue research in the library with the sources below. Save information, images, etc. to your Google Drive and "share" to your partner.
  3. Write an original script that will be well-organized and identify pictures that will be used at each point in the script.
  4. Submit script for approval.
  5. Create your documentary using the Spark Video [Adobe Voice] app on the iPad and "share" to publish. Equal Work! Equal Credit!

Topics, Page Numbers from Text, and Essential Questions:

Students will use the following questions to guide their presentations.

Upon completion of presentations, students will be required to complete an essay question that is based upon their essential question.

  • Fall of France - 712-713 - Why did France fall to Germany so quickly? How was France divided throughout World War II?
  • Battle of Britain - 713 - Why was the Battle of Britain so important to the Allies. What was the outcome?
  • Holocaust - 714-718 - What Was the “Final Solution”? Why did NAZI Germany target Jewish people? Who else did they target?
  • D-Day - 742-743 - What was the D-Day invasion and why was it so important?
  • Iwo Jima - 749 - Why was Iwo Jima an important island? How did it reflect the Japanese refusal to surrender?
  • Battle of Okinawa - 749-750 - What was the fighting like in the Battle of Okinawa? How did the Battle for Okinawa influence the U.S.’s decision to use the a-bomb?
  • Manhattan Project - 750-751 - What was the Manhattan Project? Is the use of atomic weapons immoral?
  • Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 751-752 - What were the short and long-term effects of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Why were these cities selected?
  • Economic Impact of the War - 756-757 - How did World War II affect the U.S. economically?
  • African-Americans and the War - 758-759 - How did the war affect African-Americans? Positive and negative.
  • Mexican-Americans in Wartime - 759 - How did the war affect Mexican-Americans? Positive and negative.
  • Japanese Internment - 735 and 760 - Why were the Japanese targeted for internment? Do you believe it was justified? Explain.