Arts & Culture Databases

Fine Arts and Music Collection

Provides access to over 5 million full-text articles from well-known periodicals in the Arts. Titles include American Theatre, Billboard, Cinema Journal, Current Musicology, Daily Variety, Dance Magazine, Humanitas and Theatre History Studies. All articles may be printed, bookmarked or emailed, and all articles include formatted citations.

Fact Sheet

Oxford Art Online CHICOPEE clic

Excellent source for biographies, style overviews, sample works and more.

Pop Culture Collection

Provides access to 100 full-text popular titles, including Advertising Age, Billboard, Cosmopolitan, Vogue, Daily Variety and more. Searches may be filtered in a variety of ways, and all articles include formatted citations.

Fact Sheet

Religion and Philosophy Collection

Articles from magazines and journals related to religion and philosophy. Includes full text to 300 journals, mostly peer-reviewed, covering topics such as world religions, major denominations, moral philosophy, and history of philosophy. All articles include formatted citations.